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The first coronavirus variant found in South Africa identified in South Carolina

The first coronavirus variant found in South Africa identified in South Carolina


The state’s Department of Health did not disclose the names of infected people, saying they were adults and that “one was from the Lowcountry and the other was from the Lowcountry area.”

The B. 1.351 mutant, which contains a mutation that was first identified in South Africa in December and appears to enhance transmission, is considered by scientists to be even more worrisome than more widely published. B.1.1.7 variant First seen in England. The latter has been detected in more than 20 US states.

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  • South Africa, already one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus, More contagious variants It has created a huge surge in new cases and deaths that go far beyond the previous wave of pandemics.

Three “variations of concern” Is spread all over the globe, and all three are currently identified in the United States. A variant known to scientists as P.1 is widespread in Brazil and is associated with a disastrous new surge in the Amazon city of Manaus, where hospitals are once again overwhelmed.On Monday, Minnesota officials announced they had P.1 strain detected An infected person who traveled to Brazil.

Scientists are not surprised By these developments. Public health experts say that the variant is already in the United States and has never been detected. Limited genome monitoring Of the virus. Efforts are being made to strengthen surveillance through partnerships between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and academic institutions and private companies.

There is no evidence that the B. 1.351 mutant is more lethal to individual patients than the more common viral strains. However, as scientists suspect based on preliminary data, if it is more contagious, the resulting increase in infection rates will also increase hospitalization and mortality.

“At this time, there is no evidence that infection with this variant causes more serious illness. As with the UK and Brazilian variants, preliminary data show that this variant is easier and faster than other variants. It suggests that it could spread, “the CDC said Thursday in a statement in response to the South Carolina case.

The B. 1.351 variant contains important mutations that appear to allow the virus to evade some of the onslaught of vaccine-generated or drug-administered antibodies. At least one antibody therapy does not work against new mutations, and scientists are struggling to create new antibodies that can block the new mutations.

Recent laboratory studies have shown that mutations in mutants reduce the ability of vaccine-induced antibodies to neutralize the virus.It is not yet known if that will reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine, but vaccine makers Already working on a new vaccine A booster shot that can be used when the immune system is weakened. Scientists believe that vaccines work as planned in the short term.

The variants are different, but they share some of the mutations. The most prominent of them is called E484K, which affects the structure of some of the coronavirus peplomer proteins, allowing the virus to latch and invade cells. Peplomers are the target of many antibodies, both laboratory-produced and those caused by the immune system in response to vaccines or natural infections.

David Ho, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University, compared the E484K mutation with a lock change and tried to open the door using the same key.

Imagine a zigzag triangle at the top of a peaplomer and the antibody fits perfectly on that jagged edge. Due to the mutation, the triangular tooth changes its shape significantly. Now it’s a square. Suddenly, the antibody loses its ability to grab the virus, and the virus can escape and damage it.

Scientists and public health officials have said that the most important short-term action that the general public can take is to try to stop the spread of the virus. The CDC repeated the message on Thursday in the statement. Vaccination is essential for controlling pandemics, but vaccines are still in short supply. In the meantime, people need to stick to non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distance and masks.

“We know that viruses mutate to live and live to mutate,” Brian Traxler, interim director of public health in South Carolina, said in a statement released Thursday. Stated. “That’s why it’s important for us all to continue to play our part by taking small actions that make a big difference.”

Companies that manufacture vaccines and therapeutics are working to catch up with mutations. The most pressing challenge is a drug called a monoclonal antibody. Wrong mutations make them useless more easily than vaccines and provoke a multifaceted immune response because they provide one or two laboratory-brewed antibodies that latch the virus in specific areas. ..

Many scientists believe based on preliminary evidence that vaccines will still work in the coming months, but vaccine makers are preparing to evolve their recipes as the virus mutates. ..

“I’m worried we’re seeing now because the activity against South African strains has dropped significantly. This could be true for Brazilian strains due to similar mutations,” Ho said. He said. “It’s definitely wrong to say this is pessimistic and catastrophic, but it’s absolutely wrong to say it’s absolutely rosy. I think the truth is in the middle. In the worst case scenario. You need to be very worried that you need to be prepared. “

Data released before this week’s release from Ho’s lab show that Eli Lilly’s monoclonal antibody, one licensed and the other , was the first mutation identified in South Africa and Brazil. Shown to be avoided by the body. Lily’s CEO, David A. Rix, told investors and the media on Tuesday that the company is working on antibodies to neutralize variants of the virus.

The B. 1.351 mutant is “most noticeable and interesting because there are so many mutations and changes in peplomers that are expected to disrupt the binding of most antibodies,” said Rix. ..

But as a sign of how fast the situation is evolving, he predicted on Tuesday that Lily’s current antibody would be “effective against over 99% of all strains found in the United States today.” “He also said. It was hours before it became clear that Brazilian stocks were detected in Minnesota, and two days before South African stocks were confirmed in South Carolina.

Scientists believe that antibody cocktails made by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals are still likely to be effective against mutants. Jason McLellan, a structural biologist at the University of Texas at Austin, said the mutants are more likely to escape part of the cocktail, while other ingredients bind to areas that should not be affected by the current mutation. Stated.

Christos Kyratsous, vice president of research at Regeneron, said the company is constantly monitoring new sequences, screening them against a library of antibodies, and monitoring when cocktail changes or additions are needed. Said.

“Biologically, this is exactly what I expected,” Kyratsous said. “I had high expectations from the beginning … one of the reasons I chose cocktails. [of antibodies] If one of your antibodies fails or does not work, you will need to take out insurance. The cocktail still works. “

Moderna announced on Monday that it is working on the development and launch of human trials of vaccines specific to South African variants as a precautionary measure. The company will also test a third booster shot of the current vaccine to see if boosting immunity to the original virus can prevent the mutant.

Many scientists are eagerly awaiting the results of a partial Johnson & Johnson trial in South Africa. This is the first hint beyond laboratory trials on how well vaccines can protect in regions of the world where mutants circulate.

Lena H. Sun contributed to this report.

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