Coronavirus: “serious” mental health impacts call for urgent research
Coronavirus pandemics can have a “significant” impact on people’s mental health-says psychiatrists and psychologists seeking urgent research now and in the future.
Writing in Lancet Psychiatry, They need to use their smartphones to monitor their mental health in real time.
They say they need to tailor their support to specific groups, such as children and frontline health care workers.
Research suggests Anxiety and isolation have already affected the public.
Mental Health Charity Mind said people are already struggling to access the support they need.
Twenty-four major mental health professionals want comprehensive “instantaneous” monitoring of their mental health, so they can quickly design effective tools and support to help people at home.
“Social isolation, loneliness, health anxiety, stress, and increased recession are the perfect storm that harms people’s mental health and well-being,” said Professor Lory O’Connor, one of Glasgow authors. Said.
He said that if he did nothing, there is a risk of rising conditions such as anxiety and depression, and more people are at risk for other consequences such as alcohol, drugs, gambling and even homelessness.
The authors of the paper said the priority is to monitor rates of anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicide and other mental health problems.
Kate King (57) with depression says these are a particularly difficult time for people with mental health conditions.
“Anxiety is a natural reaction to the situation we are in. I always have a low level of anxiety.
“You Can Have A Wave Of It-Look At The News Coverage And Think About Your Health And Others …”
But Kate learned how to deal with it, focusing on the day’s life and by playing her melodeon (squeeze box).
“It works for me,” she says. “I can’t go out for coffee, so I sit with people online, or with two daughters, one each morning.
“I enjoy my job from time to time.
“There is no room for people to worry about just washing.”
But when going out for a walk, she says, if too many people are inevitable, they can be stressful and can make things worse.
Two online surveys conducted by the Academy of Medical Sciences in late March provide a snapshot of the current state of people’s mental health.
One of the UK’s MQ charities, covering more than 2,100 people, including people with mental health conditions, was concerned about access to support and services during a pandemic, and could exacerbate existing health problems. Highlighted the concern.
Another of the 1,099 members of the public revealed concerns about the effects of social isolation and economic hardship caused by the response to the crisis.
Anxiety and stress are expected to increase in a pandemic, but there is a risk that more people will be depressed and will commit self-harm or suicide.
For example, during the 2003 Thurs epidemic, suicides increased 30% at age 65 and older, the paper says.
The policies used to manage the pandemic “necessarily have a serious impact on mental health due to unemployment, economic unrest and increasing poverty,” he added.
Who are the most vulnerable groups?
This paper lists eight groups that may experience different pandemics than the general population.
- Children, adolescents, families (no school closure, domestic violence, free school meals)
- Elderly people and people with potential health problems (isolation, loneliness, bereavement)
- People with mental health problems (service interruptions and recurrences)
- First-line healthcare workers (fear of pollution, work stress)
- People with learning disabilities (routine and support changes)
- Low-income people (work and financial insecurity)
- Prisoners, homeless and refugees (social exclusion)
- Society may generally experience widening health disparities and increased use of food banks
Mental Health Charity Views
“It’s too early to determine the extent of the damage, but I hear that people are already struggling to get the support they need,” said Paul Farmer, CEO of Mind. .
He said people were being discharged from the NHS Mental Health Service and referrals to mental health services and psychotherapy for children and adolescents fell.
“Governments and services are not just about how to properly support people now, but what the long-term implications are and what services need to be implemented to help people rebuild their lives. I need to understand. ”
Farmer said the longer people were unable to receive treatment and support, the worse they felt.
“The end result of this is increased self-harm and suicide.”
What helps people’s mental health and well-being?
According to the people surveyed:
- Stay connected with friends and family, often online
- Busy in hobbies, crafts, reading, movies, home improvement
- Physical activities such as walking, running and exercise classes
- Stay calm thanks to mindfulness, meditation, prayer, and pets
- Information Capture-Controlling access to news and social media
- Maintain daily routine by making daily plans
How is it affecting your brain?
The expert behind the dissertation Little is known about the effects of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) on the human nervous system.
However, as other coronaviruses have been shown to invade the central nervous system, this paper recommends further research into the effects of Covid-19 in those areas.
Symptoms related to the brains of infected people have been reported, especially headaches, dizziness, loss of smell and taste, muscle pain and weakness.
Researchers say the database should be set up to monitor the psychological or brain effects of Covid-19.
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