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People under the age of 50 may jab work by spring as the government “mixes vaccines at work”

People under the age of 50 may jab work by spring as the government “mixes vaccines at work”
People under the age of 50 may jab work by spring as the government “mixes vaccines at work”


The report claims that the government is considering vaccination of young people at work.

If the government approves a workplace deployment proposal, 30 million people under the age of 50 could be absorbed in their work by spring.

Ministers are discussing this idea when planning to protect young adults, especially key workers who cannot work from home. Coronavirus, by The Sunday Telegraph..

In the early stages of deployment, we prioritized older and vulnerable people in the UK, as well as front-line healthcare and social workers.

By Friday, more than 11.4 million people had received the dose.

The government aims to vaccinate all priority groups, including those over the age of 50, by early May.

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Women vaccinated at Oxford-AstraZeneca at Bath Racecourse
UK vaccine deployments can be pushed into the workplace
(Image: PA)

However, the newspaper reports Whitehall sources’ claims that vaccinated people may reach that goal as early as April at current rates.

According to Telegraph, the minister is discussing whether mobile vaccination teams can go to work, jab people, check vaccinations, and speed up deployment.

The idea seems to resemble the annual influenza jab deployment.

Some employers provide staff with flu jabs at work.

Practical nurse Marianne Stewart inoculates syringe with Oxford / AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine
Ministers are said to be considering proposals for the next stage of jab deployment.
(Image: Pool via Getty Images / AFP)

The government has already announced that workers in the company with more than 50 staff who are still on business during the blockade will have access to regular and rapid results testing.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson Already vowed that major workers will be prioritized.

Telegraph reports that when priority groups are removed from the list, more publicly-faced workers will be added to the front of the vaccine queue.

Second, prioritize local council staff such as front-line rescue workers, teachers, homeless shelter staff, social workers, delivery drivers, supermarket workers, food manufacturing workers and other important factory employees. I can do it.

Elderly women receive injections of Oxford / AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine at mass vaccination center at Epsom Downs Racecourse
Older people and vulnerable people in the UK were prioritized first
(Image: Pool via Getty Images / AFP)

Prison officials, police officers, and juries may also allegedly be prioritized.

The proposal is said to be aimed at protecting employees who cannot work from home and controlling the spread of asymptomatic viruses.

However, the newspaper reports that the government must decide whether other more vulnerable groups should be prioritized over home workers.

Doctor prepares vaccine in Edinburgh
The next stage of jaburo out can focus on key workers
(Image: PA)

The government is under pressure to determine the next priority group after the most vulnerable group receives the first dose.

Over the last few weeks, there has been a heated debate about whether key workers, such as school teachers and police officers, should line up next.

A senior No10 source told the newspaper that after all nine priority groups had been checked, no decision had yet been made as to who would get the jab.

Advice from the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization, officials said, people should be vaccinated “in the order most likely to go to the hospital or die of the coronavirus.”


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