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Health officials provide information about the COVID-19 mutant as NB reports one new death-New Brunswick


New Brunswick Health Authority Addressed Two COVID-19Related deaths that have occurred since they last dealt with the state.

Dr. Jennifer Russell, director of health at New Brunswick, confirmed that both deaths reported this week occurred in the Edmundston area.

One was a resident of the long-term care facility Manoir Bellevue and the other was a resident of Villa de Jardin.

Both were in the 80’s, with one dead on Tuesday and another on Thursday.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, there are currently 22 COVID-related deaths in New Brunswick.

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New Brunswick reports 14 new COVID-19 cases and declares outbreak at JD Irving Sawmill

The news came when New Brunswick sought to better understand the recently discovered COVID-19 variant in the state.

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As of Thursday, there were five cases associated with variants detected in the state, four of which were B.1.1.7. It was the first variant discovered in the United Kingdom, one of which was the first discovered N501Y.V2 variant in South Africa.

Russell was joined by Health Minister Dorothy Shepherd and infectious disease specialist Dr. Gordon Dow during the Thursday update.

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Coronavirus: Infectious Diseases Experts Outline the Risks of COVID-19 Mutants

Dow told the media that the COVID-19 mutant is expected to rapidly replace older strains when introduced into the population.

He said they don’t know everything about the varieties, but there must be a source of concern.

Dow said the mutant could also infect people who have recovered from the old original strain of COVID-19.

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According to Dow, some COVID-19 vaccines are less effective against some variants, and younger people are more vulnerable to new variants.

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But that doesn’t mean the New Brands Wickers should be desperate, he said.

Current public health guidance such as masks, hand washing, and physical distance also works for the detected variants.

“What we do with new stocks is the same as we do with old stocks,” Dow said.

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He recommended that Newbrands Wickers be vigilant and ready to respond to changes in health regulations as health authorities become more informed.

“The cost of complacency can be completely avoided,” Dow said.

It was a message echoed by Shepherd as she dealt with the update, and she said she sympathized with those who were dissatisfied with the shifting blockade.

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“We are constantly analyzing the situation,” said the Minister of Health.

read more: New Brunswick reports 15 new cases, 1 death and 4th UK atypical case

Russell confirmed that there are about 40 tests waiting to be processed at Winnipeg’s National Institute of Microbiology to determine if these cases are COVID-19 mutants.

Top New Brunswick doctors have confirmed that processing these tests is delayed by about a week.

She states that the state has been instructed to self-quarantine for at least 21 days if an individual suspects that the individual has the COVID-19 mutant or is tested positive after contact with the COVID-19 mutant. It was.

This is done to ensure that there is no further spread and to allow time for the National Institute of Microbiology to process the test.

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Russell also provided detailed information about the state’s new pilot program with JDIrving in response to an outbreak at one of its sawmills in Saint-Leonard.

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Health officials declared an outbreak on Wednesday after five COVID-19 cases were identified at the site.

Authorities are conducting contact tracing, and public health is working with JD Irving to provide inspections on days 1, 7 and 14 of the worker’s quarantine period, Russell said.

Each worker is double swabbed, one for rapid screening tests and the other for regular PCR tests.

If one of the rapid tests returns positive, you will have another PCR test for confirmation.

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NB people with disabilities demand priority for COVID-19 vaccine program

It seems unlikely that the state will move the zone immediately from the Oran phase of the COVID-19 blockade.

Shepherd said the zone would remain at orange levels for a couple of weeks before authorities considered moving the zone to yellow levels.

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Health officials reported only two cases after the virus on Thursday.

One is in the Moncton area and the other is in the Edmundston area.

Currently, there are 161 active cases in the state, and six are hospitalized for the disease, including two in the intensive care unit.

The Edmundston region remains at the “red” pandemic alert level, while the rest of the state is at the lower “orange” level.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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