The neurology of why one bad curry can put us off for the rest of our lives
Newswise — A negative food experience usually makes you unable to get angry with the idea of eating that particular dish again. Researchers at the University of Sussex have used sugar-loving snails as a model to say that these bad experiences can cause changes in our brain, which can affect our future diet. believe.
Like many other animals, snails like sugar and usually start feeding as soon as sugar is given. However, the aversive training of tapping the snail’s head when sugar appeared changed the snail’s behavior and refused to eat sugar even when hungry.
A team of researchers at Sussex Neuroscience, led by Dr. Ildiko Kemenes, took a closer look and discovered a neural mechanism that effectively reverses the normal response of snails to sugar after conditioning training.
Dr. Ildico Chemenez, a leader in neuroscience at the University of Sussex’s Department of Life Sciences, explains: “The snail’s brain usually has neurons that suppress the feeding circuit. The network is food-free. By suppressing the feeding circuit, we ensure that the snail does not just eat everything. However, in the presence of sugar and other food stimuli, this neuron is suppressed and can begin feeding.
“After aversive training, we found that this neuron reversed the electrical response to sugar and was excited rather than suppressed. In fact, the switch was switched in the brain, so the snail was presented with sugar. When I stopped eating sugar, I now suppress it rather than activate it. “
When researchers presented cucumbers instead of trained snails, they found that animals were still happy to eat healthy options-tap specifics they were trained to reject. It shows that it was related only to the type of food.
George Chemenez, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Sussex and a senior member of the research team, added: “Snail provides a similar but very basic model of how the human brain works.
“The effects of inhibitory neurons that suppress the snail’s feeding circuit are very similar to how the cortical network is under inhibitory control in the human brain to avoid” runaway “activation that can lead to binge eating. Similar to
“In our study, the negative experience snails experienced with sugar can be likened to eating bad take-out curry, which will postpone that particular dish in the future.
“The human brain believes that similar switching can occur when a particular group of neurons reverses activity along the negative associations of a particular food.”
Funded by the Biotechnology and Bioscience Research Council (BBSRC) Current biologyAlso revealed that when the neurons were completely removed from the trained snails, they returned to eating sugar again.
Dr. Ildiko Kemenes said: “This suggests that neurons are needed to express learned behaviors and change their response to sugar.
“But we can’t deny that there are some changes in the sugar-activated sensory pathways, so we don’t assume that this is all that is happening in the brain.”
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