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3D microscopy reveals an understanding of the body’s immune response to obesity-ScienceDaily

3D microscopy reveals an understanding of the body’s immune response to obesity-ScienceDaily


Researchers focusing on fat know that some adipose tissue is more prone to inflammation-related comorbidities than others, but the reason is not well understood. New analytical techniques have given scientists a clearer picture of the microenvironment found in obesity-related adipose tissue. This advance will help clarify why some adipose tissue is prone to inflammation, leading to diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, and to direct future drug therapies to treat obesity. There is a possibility.

In the new study, Andrew Smith and Mark A. Anastasia, professors of biotechnology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Eric Nelson, professor of molecular integrated physiology, and Kelly Swanson, professor of nutrition science, detail the use of the new technology in mice.Results will be published in the journal Science Advances..

Inflammation of adipose tissue manifests itself as a round complex of inflamed tissue called the coronary structure. Previous studies have shown that body fat containing these structures is associated with worse outcomes of obesity and associated metabolic disorders, the study reports.

Previously, researchers were limited to using 2D slices of tissue and traditional microscopy, limiting what they could learn about them.

To get better visibility, the team teamed up with a special type of microscopy that uses 3D sheet light instead of beams, fat removal techniques that make tissue optically transparent, and deep learning to support large amounts of image processing. Combined algorithms. The generated data.

According to Smith, the crown-like appearance that gave these structures a name was actually like a 3D shell or concentric sphere surrounding an empty core.

“Our new technology can be used to determine the volume of crown-like structures, the specific number of cells associated with them, and their size, shape, and distribution,” Smith said. Stated.

With this ability, the team found that obesity tends to be associated with the spread of rare, large coronary structures that do not exist in the lean state.

“These very large coronal structures come together and are at the center of the organization,” Smith said. “And there is no way we could analyze this before using our new technology.”

Smith said the study could lead to new drug therapies and new ways to assess the metabolic health of patients.

“We now know that some patients are overweight and metabolically healthy, while others are underweight and metabolically unhealthy,” Smith said. “We believe that having the ability to dig deeper into the microenvironment of adipose tissue can explain some of the reasons.”

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material Provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, News Bureau.. Original written by Lois Yoksoulian. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.


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