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India prioritizes people with Down Syndrome in covid-19 jab


New Delhi: India plans to prioritize people with Down Syndrome in covid-19 vaccinationAfter the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United Kingdom and Spain have included individuals with genetic status in their list of “high-risk” individuals.

This development took place after a global study of Down’s syndrome patients in Europe, the United States, Latin America, and India was published in The Lancet’s EClinical Medicine.Adults with Down Syndrome were about three times more likely to die COVID-19 According to a survey, more than the general public. Down’s syndrome is one of the estimated 30,000 most common disorders in India each year, so Indian government officials plan to include this condition in the category of “high-risk” population groups.

“The next Vaccine Strategy Conference proposes to include patients with Down Syndrome in the category of comorbidities (high risk). Down Syndrome is a comorbidity in which patients have problems with physiological function. Indian medical research Dr. Samilan Panda, Head of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases Division of the Council (ICMR), said Panda is also a member of Mint. The National Expert Group on Vaccine Management for covid-19 (NEGVAC) is fair. It is responsible for developing strategies for effective distribution.

Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition usually caused by trisomy (or an extra copy) of chromosome 21. This extra copy can alter the way the baby’s body and brain develop and cause mental and physical problems. Scientists have stated that this increased risk is particularly noticeable from the age of 50 years. People aged 40 with Down Syndrome were at risk of dying from covid-19, as were people over the age of 30 in the general population.

“Our results, based on more than 1,000 unique patients with Down syndrome covid-19, show that patients with Down syndrome often show more severe symptoms on admission and the incidence of pulmonary complications associated with increased mortality. Shows that is high, “says Anke Huels. Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health and lead author of the study. “These results affect the prophylactic and clinical management of patients with Down syndrome covid-19 and emphasize the need to prioritize patients with Down syndrome for vaccination,” Huels said.

To collect data for the study, the T21RS covid-19 initiative launched an international survey of individual clinicians and caregivers with Down syndrome infected with covid-19 between April and October 2020. .. The T21RScovid-19 Initiative is part of an established initiative at. In March 2020, the Trisomy 21 Research Association (T21RS) will collect and disseminate scientific information to internationally support individuals with Down Syndrome and their families’ communities during a pandemic.

“The CDC has included Down Syndrome in its list of” high-risk medical conditions, “partly based on our findings. This prioritizes people with this genetic condition for vaccination, “said co-author Albert Costa, a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry. Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Ohio. “Similar decisions have been made in the UK and Spain, and we hope other countries will continue soon,” Costa said.

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