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Live Update: COVID-19 Cases, Minnesota and Wisconsin Trends


The latest cases and trends in the fight against COVID-19 in Minnesota and Wisconsin, as well as virus immunization efforts, are as follows:

St. Paul, Minnesota — Wednesday, March 3

  • MDH has reported 17 COVID deaths since February 12.
  • Biden says all U.S. adults should have access to the vaccine by the end of May
  • Over 127,000 doses of vaccine were given last Thursday and Friday

According to data released by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) on Wednesday, the number of COVID-19s in the state remains fairly low, except for double-digit deaths.

According to health officials, 17 people died from the virus during the last reporting period, the highest number since February 12, when 19 deaths were recorded. The total number of COVID-related deaths in Minnesota has increased to 6,507 since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Hundreds of new COVID cases have increased since Tuesday, with MDH reporting 788 positive tests. The jumps reflect the usual weekly pattern, with test volumes and case counts starting on Wednesday and usually peaking on Friday.

The new case is based on the results of 20,512 tests (17,505 PCR, 3,007 antigens) processed in private and state laboratories. This is almost twice the amount of test reported on Tuesday.

Current hospitalizations are stable, with 243 people being treated in hospitals throughout the state as of Tuesday, 57 of whom are ill enough to require ICU treatment. Bed availability is increasing across the Twin Cities hospital system, with vacancy rates of 4.8% (177 open beds).

The total number of hospitalizations since the virus arrived in Minnesota was up to 25,863, of which 5,340 were in the ICU.

MDH reports that 473,252 people who were positive for coronavirus at one time no longer needed to be quarantined.

As of Monday, 928,963 people had been vaccinated at least once, which is 16.7% of Minnesota’s population, according to the state vaccination dashboard. Of those people, 484,383 completed the two-shot vaccination series. On Monday, the provider vaccinated 17,941 people across the state. This number will increase significantly as new shipments arrive, including the expected 42,000 doses of the recently approved Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Of Minnesota aged 65 and over, 54.4% have been vaccinated against COVID at least once.

Governor Tim Walz will hold a press conference Wednesday at 2:00 pm to detail the arrival of Johnson & Johnson vaccine doses in Minnesota. KARE 11 will post it on our website and share it on our social media platform.

Young adults aged 20 to 24 years are associated with the largest group of 48,408 and 3 dead coronavirus cases. As expected, COVID had the most devastating impact on the oldest residents of Minnesota. The death toll between the ages of 85 and 89 was 6,255, 1,231, followed by the deaths of 80 to 84, 7,989, 1,059, and 90 to 94. An old man who died 1,059 in 4,218 cases.

The state’s lowest COVID activity has been recorded by Cook County in northeastern Minnesota, with only 118 cases. Hennepin County has the most reported deaths of 100,913 and 1,586, Ramsey County has 43,165 and 803 deaths, Dakota County has 36,375 and 392 deaths, and Anoka County has 33,335 and 388 deaths. Continues with the person.

Relation: Daughter does a second job of washing dishes and cleaning the floor in a nursing home to meet her dad

Minnesota Health Department officials provided up-to-date information on the state’s COVID-19 status. Here You can find it on the YouTube page of KARE11.

At the end of last month, Governor Tim Walz announced plans for a vaccination phase in Minnesota, expanding access when at least 70% of Minnesota residents aged 65 and over were vaccinated. MDH Commissioner Jan Malcolm expects the state to reach a 70% benchmark by the end of March. document It is now available to provide details of the vaccination phase. About 53% of the elderly in Minnesota have been vaccinated at least once.

Malcolm has announced several updates to the state’s plans for who will be vaccinated and when.

  • Type 1 diabetes has been added as an underlying disease in Tiers 3 and 4 of Phase 1b. Type 2 diabetes is already included.
  • Languages ​​added to Phase 1b, Tier 2. This includes “people with rare conditions or disabilities who are at high risk.” Malcolm said these conditions may be too rare to be mentioned in the CDC or Minnesota recommendations. She said doctors can have some flexibility in vaccination of rare, high-risk people.
  • Two more key workers have been added to Phase 1b and Tier 3.

These changes will be reflected in MDH Online documentation.

Asked if the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine could speed up the immunization process in Minnesota, Malcolm said the timeline was a “good planning tool,” but authorities accelerated as supply increased. I have “every hope” for what I can do.

Malcolm was also asked if the state had its own distribution plan for a single-dose process and a less stringent handling process for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. She said MDH would assess the potential. She said it would be a good vaccine to consider for people and some other situations that may find it difficult to return at different doses.

However, Malcolm emphasized that all licensed vaccines will be available to anyone in a qualified state. She said that those who can be vaccinated should take the provided type and wait for the type they like so that they do not have to “go back in line”.

Asked about recent cases in Minnesota vaccinated in South Dakota, Malcolm said some crossovers were “appropriate and necessary,” like when Minnesota’s primary care clinic was in another state. Said that. She said small crossovers are unlikely to make a big difference in vaccine availability.

New figures from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) reflect 443 additional cases of COVID-19 and four more deaths from the virus during the last 24-hour reporting period.

Tuesday numbers are generally the lowest of the week, as they are screened from tests conducted on weekends when volume is very low. The new COVID cases are based on the results of only 10,915 tests (9,507 PCR, 1,408 antigens) processed in private and state laboratories. The amount of test reported over the weekend can be more than four times that amount.

Health experts consider a positive PCR test to be a confirmed COVID case and a positive antigen test to be a possible case.

With the addition on Tuesday, the total number of COVID cases in Minnesota has reached 485,655 since the start of the pandemic.

With four more deaths from the coronavirus, the state will die at 6,490. Of these deaths, 4,057, or 63%, are associated with life support or long-term care facilities.

The number of vaccinations reported on Tuesday is also quite low. As of Sunday, 908,590 Minnesota were vaccinated at least once after only 6,763 were vaccinated with the COVID vaccine that day. This shows the proportion of Minnesota up to 16.3% in at least one shot.

According to MDH, 472,789 people have completed the two-shot series.

The good news is that the state’s goal of administering 90% of the vaccine supply that providers receive in three days is exceeded. Currently, these providers are using 92% of the vaccine at the time.

Hospitalizations for COVID-19 have increased slightly as of Monday, with 243 people receiving hospitalization-based treatment across Minnesota. Fifty-seven of those patients are in the ICU. Since the virus arrived in the state, the total number of hospitalizations is now 25,826, with 5,329 requiring ICU care.

Young adults make up the two largest COVID case groups in the state, with 20 to 24 recording 48,334 cases and 3 deaths, and 25 to 29 recording 43,379 cases and 6 deaths.

Demographics between the ages of 85 and 89 show that coronavirus deaths were highest, with only 6,253 diagnosed and 1,229.

As the most populous counties in Minnesota, Hennepin County has the highest COVID activity in 100,764 and 1,586 cases, Ramsey County has 43,106 and 801 cases, Dakota County has 36,297 and 390 cases, and Anoka County has 33,293 cases. it is continuing. And 385 dead.

According to MDH, 472,470 people who were positive for the virus at one time no longer need quarantine.

KARE 11’s coronavirus coverage is rooted in facts, not fear.visit For comprehensive coverage, and Answers to all vaccine questions. I have a question? Please contact us at 763-797-7215. And every morning, we send the latest coronavirus updates directly to your inbox. Subscribe to KARE11 Click here for Sunrise Newsletter.. Help a local family in need:

Minnesota has opened a data portal online.

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