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The first vaccine you offer is the best vaccine, says Task Force leaders


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The state expects the recently approved AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine to arrive in the state in mid-March, but the total number and exact arrival date are unknown, members of the Vaccine Task Force said Wednesday’s technology. I mentioned at the briefing session.

When the vaccine arrives in the state (the first shipment of the vaccine arrives in Canada on Wednesday morning), the AZ will be distributed to doctors and pharmacies and first used for high-risk Manitoba vaccinations aged 50-64 years. Will be done. Liver failure, people undergoing dialysis, and other factors that the state continues to determine. The AZ vaccine is currently not recommended for people over the age of 65.

Vaccines do not require the same cryopreservation requirements as Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. For AZ vaccines, the recommended storage temperature is between 2 ° C and 8 ° C. This is more common with other vaccines, including the flu vaccine. The AZ vaccine also has a different time frame between the first and second doses, with a minimum of 4 weeks and a preferred gap of 12 weeks.

Meanwhile, Dr. Joss Laimer, medical leader of the state’s Vaccine Task Force, said the best vaccine for Manitoba was the first vaccine offered to them.


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To alleviate concerns about the efficacy of the AZ vaccine (DNA vaccine), as opposed to the Pfizer and Modana mRNA vaccines, authorities said that the latest approved vaccine clinical trials have a moderate efficacy rate (about 60%). ), But subsequent analysis showed more than 80% efficacy at 12-week intervals between the first and second doses.

Dr. Tim Hilderman, Head of Vaccine Medicine in Manitoba, said the discrepancy between clinical trials and actual efficacy lies in the way the trials are conducted. In some cases, according to Hilderman, the AZ vaccine was more effective in controlling hospitalization and mortality than the Pfizer variant.

“What I’m trying to get home here isn’t about the exact numbers, but about the overall effectiveness, and all of this seems to be higher and higher than expected,” he said. ..

mRNA (messenger RNA) carries a command that encourages the immune system to produce spike proteins, which stimulate the immune system to provide protection.

DNA (viral vector) works differently in that it is an inactivated virus that cannot replicate in the human body, but it effectively attaches and releases DNA to cells, turning them into mRNA and boosting the immune system. Stimulate.

According to the Task Force, all vaccines approved for use are effective in preventing COVID-19 infection and reducing the severity of symptoms.


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“The bottom line is that all of these approved vaccines exceed the safety and efficacy thresholds for COVID-19,” said Hilderman.

In addition, vaccination with one type of vaccine does not prevent you from receiving another type of COVID-19 vaccine in the future when the supply is high.

Dr. Limer will hold a press conference Wednesday at 12:30 pm to discuss the possibility of delaying a second dose of Pfizer and Moderna based on new evidence. This allows more people to get their first injection faster.

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