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Jokowi says Indonesia electric car battery factory to start production next month

Jokowi says Indonesia electric car battery factory to start production next month


JAKARTA (RIAUPOS.CO) – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the electric battery factory in Indonesia will begin production next month or in June 2024. He hopes that in the future, an automobile ecosystem in the country will soon be able to form.

“Later next month, the so-called industrial battery factory will start production, so it is hoped that this ecosystem will be built soon, will be formed soon,” Jokowi told reporters, writing on Sunday (5/5).

Furthermore, Jokowi claimed that Indonesia was ready to have an electric vehicle ecosystem in the country that would be formed soon. One of them is the presence of 59 electric motorcycle industries producing in Indonesia.

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“There are 5 electric car manufacturers and there will be 6. There is an electric bus. There is also a truck. It is a big building for the EV (electric vehicle) ecosystem that we must protect, so that there are no obstacles,” he continued.

The former Mayor of Solo also emphasized that the government continues to strive to build an electric vehicle ecosystem in the country so that it continues to function.

According to him, this is important for Indonesia to be ready to compete globally in the electric vehicle industry.

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“It started in such a way that when the electric battery industry is completed, the electric car factory, electric motorcycles, electric buses are all completed, the ecosystem will soon be formed. This is the competitiveness that we want to show and that we are indeed ready to compete on the world stage,” Jokowi concluded.

For information, in order to participate in building the electric vehicle ecosystem in the country, to date, PT PLN (Persero) is registered as having 1,370 units of public electric vehicle charging stations (SPKLU), 9 886 public electric vehicle charging stations (SPLU) and 2,182 general electric battery exchange stations (SPBKLU).

In fact, PLN also innovated to develop 2,000 SPKLU units on electric poles (Pole Mounted) distributed throughout Indonesia. Apart from this, PLN has developed non-physical infrastructure, in this case, PLN presents EV Digital Services (EVDS) functionality in PLN mobile super apps.

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With this feature, PLN makes it easier for EV users to know where the nearest charging station is, test driving services, request the installation of home charging services, a marketplace for buy EVs and organize long-distance travel plans. The Trip Planner menu will automatically provide recommendations for SPKLU points to pass based on the travel route.





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