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Three Hawaiians infected with COVID-19 despite being vaccinated


March 12, 2021

A local illness researcher discovered that Hawaiian health workers, who were first vaccinated twice in January, were infected with the virus after traveling to the mainland.

According to the Department of Health’s Disease Control Division, residents and travel companions on Oahu were both positive after traveling to “multiple cities in the US mainland” in February, but had no symptoms. Family, friends and colleagues were not infected.

Local cases of vaccinated health care workers infected with COVID-19 have shown how people can get the virus, but vaccines work to prevent serious illness and death.Courtesy: Queen’s Health System

This is one of three “breakthrough” cases identified by the health department that vaccinated people have been infected with the virus. The Ministry of Health said the case was not surprising given that 165,000 people in Hawaii have been fully vaccinated and the vaccine has proven to be about 95% effective. None of the three became seriously ill or told others about it.

“The really important thing is that vaccination can prevent serious illness, hospitalization and death. That’s what we really need a vaccine for us,” said the Health Department. Dr. Libby Char, who is responsible for the disease, said in a press release. .. “Thankfully, their symptoms were very mild. This is exactly the protection that the vaccine provides, but they can be infected with COVID.”

The news was announced as part of Department Weekly Cluster Report.. Traveling out of Hawaii was a common thread among people infected with the virus, especially atypical cases.

Of the nine infections confirmed to be caused by the first strain confirmed in the United Kingdom in Hawaii, three reportedly traveled to Las Vegas.

Health officials advise people to refrain from traveling for leisure.

The state announced this week that more vaccines are underway and its eligibility will be expanded to New group to start Monday, including people with certain high-risk medical conditions, and people over the age of 65 as part of the launch to the phase Vaccine rollout 1c..

Previously, vaccines were limited to health care workers, caregiver residents, Kupuna over 70, and mandatory workers.

People between the ages of 16 and 64 receive chemotherapy or immunosuppressive drug therapy at an infusion center if they are dependent on dialysis or oxygen for respiratory or cardiovascular disease, or for cancer or autoimmune disease. If so, it meets the eligibility for period 1c. Hawaii Healthcare Association. Otherwise, the state plans to continue to open its qualifications by lowering the age requirement every five years.

Hawaii recorded an average of 54 COVID-19 cases per day this week. Most infectious diseases occur on Oahu, but Maui and Hawaii counties have the highest percentage of positive results, albeit in small numbers.

Weekly case rates show that the prevalence of COVID-19 disease remains relatively sparse on the island.Ministry of Public Health

Maui continues to address some of the largest infected clusters at the Maui Community Correctional Center, with a total of 85 people. To date, the COVID-19 test has been positive.

Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi Relaxing COVID-19-related restrictions on Oahu, And as of Thursday, the Honolulu bar was allowed to reopen for groups of up to 10 people, and large funerals and conventions were allowed. Next month, Blanchardi said outdoor sporting events may resume.

This move represents a departure from the original tier system, based on average cases and test rates. The tier system was developed by the administration of former Mayor Kirk Caldwell.

Honolulu Civil Beat We are dedicated to fostering a gathering of informed citizens, all striving to make Hawaii a more livable place. We achieve this through investigative journalism and guard dog journalism, detailed corporate reporting, analysis and commentary, providing our readers with a broader view of issues that are important to our community.

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