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Coronavirus: Researchers are developing variant tracking software


As highly infectious variants of Toronto-COVID-19 continue to spread around the world, Canadian researchers are one of those who are tracking over 300,000 versions of the virus.

Researchers at Western University of Ontario I have developed a new web application, Called Covizu, visually represents all mutations in the virus in an easy-to-understand and palatable way.

This platform is an open source project aimed at visualizing the global diversity of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. The data is provided by the Global Influenza Surveillance Aid (GISAID), a global scientific initiative that provides open access to real-time genomic data of viruses.

Researchers around the world collect daily data on these mutations and have identified over 300,000 unique gene versions of the COVID-19 virus so far, in categories described as lineages or variants. It is being collected. Strains represent which mutations come from a common ancestor, and mutants refer to mutant strains of the virus.

Users can filter the data in the sample to clearly understand each mutation in the virus in a user-friendly way.

“What we’re trying to do is estimate how the virus is moving around,” said Art Poon, an associate professor at Western University and the main developer of CoVizu. I will. Said in a press release..

By tracking all these variations, your web app can interactively visualize your data and its mutations in real time. The platform summarizes when and where the outbreak occurs, allowing users to move between different strains as the virus infects globally.

All the different names of the virus are systematically chosen and are derived from a string of letters and numbers that represent each unique lineage of the virus.

“We also quickly realized that we needed some way to allow users to search for data in a meaningful way because of the sheer volume of data,” said Poon.

Poon and his research team collected over 500,000 virus samples from around the world and transformed the data into a visual tree graph. Each horizontal line in the graph represents one or more samples of SARS-CoV-2 that share the same genomic sequence.

“The main part of this project is to make this data accessible and informative so that the average person can see it and understand what the numbers mean to them.” , Says Emmanuel Wong, a master’s student supervised by Poon.

“It’s about allowing people to see these variants and understand how they came here and where they came from.”

The university hopes that the data will help researchers better understand the COVID-19 strain without stigmatizing the location or related people.

Historically, illnesses were named after where they came from, but nowadays scientists are trying to deviate from outdated languages.

Terms such as “British variant” and “Brazilian variant” are often used by governments and media organizations to describe mutations. However, some are worried that this could lead to racism and imperialism.

“CoVizu is an effort to provide another tool in the toolkit for understanding the genetic diversity of these viruses,” said Poon.

“We know that genomic epidemiology is important and it is important to have this data, because the fact that we can see and identify mutants of concern is made possible by sharing the data. Because it will be. “


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