Do you like the outdoors?Beware of small but malicious ticks
Tick bites can cause rare meat allergies in some people
Gardeners and other people who spend time outside need to be aware of some of the smallest creatures in nature.
Those who set foot in our area are undoubtedly familiar with the tick Amblyomma americanum, first described by Linne in 1758. Ticks feed on the blood of various livestock and wild animals, not just humans.
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The tick was initially considered a mere annoyance because it does not transmit Lyme disease, but recent studies have shown that this species can transmit a variety of other pathogens to humans and other animals. It is shown.
Ticks are widespread in the United States due to the growing population of the main host, the white-tailed deer. They are found west of the northern bay to the Great Lakes and southern Maine, and from central Texas to Nebraska. Wild turkeys are also common hosts throughout the range.
White spots are identifiers
Adult ticks are 3-4 mm long, brown and have eight legs. The female has white spots near the center of her back, giving this tick its common name. Men have various white stripes and spots around the upper edges of their bodies.
Each tick goes through three life stages and feeds on different hosts at each stage. They have a piercing suction port that penetrates the host’s skin. The mites attach to the skin through a tubular hypostome and secrete cement that “glues” the mites to the host until feeding is complete.
Each tick is fed only once at each life cycle stage and requires a blood diet to molt at the next stage. When feeding is complete, the mites retract their mouths and fall to the ground, molting or laying eggs.
The mite life cycle begins when a blood-filled adult female mite falls from the host, and a few days later it lays approximately 5,000 eggs in soil in protected areas such as mulch and defoliation. After the incubation period, the larvae hatch from the egg, progress through a rest period, and then seek the host by “exploring”.
Inquiry is the act of climbing a leaf-like object and waiting for the host to touch the larva. Larvae 0.5-1 mm in length grab the host and move around looking for a preferred feeding site.
When the right place is found, the larva attaches, draws blood for 1-3 days, cuts off the mouth, falls from the host to digest blood powder, and molts into the larva. Nymphs 1.5-2.5 mm in length repeat this process, but after leaving the second host, molt into adults. The entire life cycle usually takes about 2 years.
In Florida, adult mites peak in spring
In Florida, ticks may be active at any time of the year, but seasonal spikes in populations occur, adult numbers peak in April-June, and larvae peak in May-9. In the month, the larvae peak from July to September. Unfortunately, it’s not cold enough to kill ticks in winter in our area.
Mites can easily attach to humans outdoors, but they can also be brought home by domestic pets. Local reactions when bitten by ticks are common and often consist of raised red areas that can be quite itchy. Such reactions usually resolve within a week or two, unless infected primarily from scratches.
Even more ominous, ticks spread a serious illness.
Personally, my husband and I each have one of the following four illnesses:
Southern Tick-related Rush Disease (STARI)
STARI seems to be transmitted by ticks. People who are bitten by these ticks may develop a circular rash that resembles the early Lyme disease rash, but ticks are unable to carry the bacilli that cause Lyme disease. STARI can be associated with fatigue, headaches, fever, and muscle and joint pain. Unlike Lyme disease, STARI is not associated with arthritis, neurological disorders, or chronic symptoms. The cause is unknown, but some doctors treat it with antibiotics.
Ehrlichiosis is the cause of human monocytic ehrlichiosis, and ticks are the major vector to humans. Signs of ehrlichiosis usually begin within two weeks of being bitten by an infected tick. Early signs within the first 5 days of illness are usually mild or moderate and may include fever and chills. Severe headache; Myalgia; Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite; Confusion, rash (common in children).
Delayed treatment with antibiotics can make ehrlichiosis a very serious illness. Late symptoms include brain or nervous system damage, respiratory failure, uncontrolled bleeding, organ failure, or death. Fortunately, the disease can be effectively treated with doxycycline.
Rickettsia is a disease caused by infection with one of several bacteria in the genus Rickettsia. Bacteria that cause Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) are also included in this group. R. parker rickettsial disease is generally less severe than RMSF and is most often associated with ulcerative necrotic lesions at the site of mite attachment.
Within 2-10 days, the patient may develop fever, headache, rash, and muscle aches. Doxycycline is also effective in resolving this disease.
Tularemia is caused by a bacterium (Francisella tularensis) that affects many mammals, including humans, and infection from ticks is one way to get the disease. Illnesses range from mild to life-threatening, and the form of the illness depends on the method of infection, but all are associated with a high fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
The ulcerative gonadal morphology is the most common and is characterized by skin ulcers that appear where the mites inject the bacteria into the body. An ulcer is accompanied by swelling of the lymph glands in that area. The shape of the glands is similar to the one above, but without ulcers. Because it is a rare disease, it can be difficult to diagnose, but it can be effectively treated with a variety of common antibiotics.
Preventive tips
It is important to note that the best way to prevent the development of these serious illnesses is to avoid tick bites in the first place.
Many management practices have been evaluated to reduce the number of ticks in the area. These practices include the application of acaricides (mite pesticides), vegetation management (burning or mechanical removal of lower brushes and other plants), and elimination of host animals.
The use of repellents or pesticides correctly applied to clothing and gear according to the instructions on a particular product label is considered the best prevention of tick bites. I’m wearing light-colored clothes. Inspection of clothing, gear and pets. We will carry out a whole body tick check. The recommended procedure to avoid tick bites is to take a shower after going outdoors.
Removing the attached mites as soon as possible can prevent the infusion of diseased organisms because the mites suck blood before injecting saliva.
Removal of larval mites can be difficult due to their small size. If you or your pet have ever been in the “bed” of “seed mites”, we know that removing hundreds of small mites can be a daunting task.
I can prove the difficulty of getting rid of them from long-haired black dogs. If your clothes are infested with many “seed mites”, putting them in a dryer with a high heat setting can kill them within 6 minutes, which is much easier than removing them one by one.
You need to be aware of ticks, but don’t let their presence prevent you from spending time outside, especially if it involves working in your yard.
Susan Burns is a Master Garden Volunteer at the UF / IFAS Extension Leon County, an equal opportunity agency. For gardening questions, please send an email to the Extended Office at AskAMasterGardener @
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