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College students gather for large-scale COVID-19 vaccine research


Limited evidence from current COVID-19 vaccine efficacy trials and data emerging as the vaccine is deployed in the community suggests that current COVID-19 vaccines reduce infections, including asymptomatic infections. I have, but I have not proved it. Newly started university studies are designed to be sure to find.

The answer from this new trial is whether the long-awaited vaccine will come to a return to life where people can safely gather in a crowded indoor environment without fear, or the era of masks and social distance with us. For a long time it may indicate if you may be together.

The exam results should be prepared in time for college students this fall.

While university trials use only the Moderna vaccine, Corey uses a similar technique (called mRNA) to train the body’s immune system to recognize and attack SARS-CoV, Pfizer-BioNTech. He said it could be applied to vaccines as well. -2, a virus that causes COVID-19.

“Everything I learned from Moderna applies to Pfizer,” he said. “The RNA strands are the same.”

No placebo injection is given in this study. Half of the students (ages 18-26) are randomly selected to receive the Moderna vaccine on the day of enrollment, and the remaining 6,000 will receive their first vaccination after 4 months.

12,000 students, 1.3 million nasal swabs

These nasal swabs (more than 1.3 million of them) are kept by participants and are the same type of PCR test performed by public health clinics to determine if someone is infected with SARS-CoV-2. Will be sent to the laboratory every week for. All 12,000 participants will be asked to fill out a weekly electronic diary to check for symptoms of their illness and be notified to complete the daily swab test.

During this period, these same participating students will also receive a real-time COVID-19 test twice a week from the university clinic. This allows you to be immediately quarantined and receive appropriate treatment if you become virus positive.

Positive samples found on daily cotton swabs are analyzed in more detail to determine the amount of virus, which is a measure called viral load. All detected viruses can also be sequenced to determine which mutant of SARS-CoV-2 infects an individual.

Daily testing is the key to better understanding the stealth of SARS-CoV-2 for researchers. Studies show that people are most susceptible to infection in just a few days, often before the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. About half of SARS-CoV-2 infections remain asymptomatic.


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