UK reports more cases of blood clotting in people who received AstraZeneca shots
The United Kingdom reported 30 cases of very rare blood clots in people who received the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine. This is the same kind of event that some European countries have urged to limit the use of shots in certain risk age groups.
The report represents 25 more cases than previously received by UK drug regulators and is taking some steps to address the mystery of vaccine safety concerns. The reason Britain did not observe the same phenomenon seen on the European continent is that France, Germany and Sweden stop injecting young people who are considered at high risk of rare coagulation events.
UK drug regulators said they received reports that people vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine did not have such cases of coagulation.
According to scientists, cases of coagulation are rather rare, raising concerns. They contain blood clots combined with abnormally low levels of platelets, a disorder that can lead to massive bleeding.
The most feared coagulation event, known as cerebral sinus thrombosis, involves an intravenous thrombus that drains blood from the brain. This is a condition that can cause a rare type of stroke. They represent 22 of the 30 coagulation cases reported by the UK this week.
However, it is not clear if any of the cases are related to the vaccine. And even so, UK and European regulators say vaccines are rare enough to continue to be used.
Australian health authorities are investigating possible cases The same symptoms of coagulopathy in a 44-year-old man who received the AstraZeneca vaccine around March 22. He was hospitalized in Melbourne.
On Thursday, the German Vaccination Commission, STIKO, said that people under the age of 60 who received the first vaccination with AstraZeneca will be vaccinated with either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna Shot as the second vaccination. Was recommended.
“The benefits of vaccines against Covid-19 continue to outweigh the risks, so you should continue to vaccinate if invited,” the UK drug regulator said in reporting the latest number of cases. Stated.European Union drug regulator We also recommend that countries continue to use the AstraZeneca vaccine... Both agencies are continuing their investigation.
Scientists said on Friday that the overall risk of certain coagulation events causing concern was very low: approximately one case of 600,000 recipients of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the United Kingdom. Also, it can be difficult to diagnose, so it is difficult to know how common cases are in the general population. Scientists say that as doctors begin to scrutinize their condition, the number of cases will inevitably increase among vaccinated people.
David Welling, a professor at the Institute of Neurology at University College London, said the unusual presentation of cases in vaccinated people raised concerns about possible associations with shots.
But he says, “The important thing to remember is how rare these strokes are and how strong the proven benefits of vaccination are against Covid.” I did. He added that doctors and people vaccinated with AstraZeneca need to be aware of the symptoms of coagulation events, such as severe headaches and signs of stroke.
“Further research is needed urgently,” he said.
Melissa Eddy contributed to the report.
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