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Nicotine Correction: Social Media Peeed By WHO Quit Campaign


Non-smokers are involved because UN organizations have been plundered by digital errors and are fully prepared for the pandemic.

It’s a sequel.

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

As part of a digital campaign against nicotine consumption, the World Health Organization (WHO) claims that tobacco products are more likely to be infected with the new coronavirus. In one PositionIt also accused tobacco lobbyists of trying to manipulate policy decisions by having cigarettes listed as “mandatory” to allow their sale and delivery during lockdowns.

Courtesy: WHO Facebook Page

Courtesy: WHO Facebook Page

But the triumphant notes in the message didn’t get the expected response on social media. Smokers were joined by non-smokers when they plundered multilateral organizations for their campaign and their response to the pandemic.

The recurring theme of the most liked response to the post was that tobacco consumption is the only one that helps smokers maintain their sanity in these uncertain times.

“Similar to cigarettes are harmful, blockades are stressful to life. I happily coach someone to leave, but calling it non-essential is disastrous for addicted people. No, ”Marissa Karen replied on Facebook. Her response, which says she works in the health field, has received over 1200 likes so far.

Mymona Vwc users say, “I’m not crazy about smoking, but at the same time, I think if you don’t smoke, you’ll get mentally ill in a blocked state.”

Some people urged smokers to consider the health hazards of second-hand smoke while praising the campaign, but far fewer of them.

On the other hand, there were quite a few who were blamed by the World Health Organization for using the Covid-19 crisis to keep the Crusades against large cigarettes, just like tinkering while Rome burned.

“Thanks to WHO, tobacco was exposed, unlike the origin of Covid-19,” said Eric Benkert’s heartwarming reaction.

Social media also cautioned multilateral agencies about the substantial health tax that comes from tobacco sales, the hypocrisy of using nicotine alone as a health risk, and the infringement of alcohol rights. The we.

“Your job #public health To inform you about the benefits and risks. It’s not about making decisions for adults who can make their own decisions, “tweeted the user with the handle bodhicat54.

The campaign was also criticized for unsubstantiated claims that smoking was one more vulnerable to the Covid-19 infection. As part of the post, the WHO shared a warning from health experts that smokers of COVID-19 are more likely to suffer more consequences, but highlighted it as “fact.”

User with handle DavidPForsyth, The author of apocalyptic science-fiction in his career, pointed out how France was testing nicotine to counter outbreaks.

“Nicotine and vaping may be a preventative treatment and cure for COVID-19. You are on the wrong side of history (again),” he wrote in a link Investigation Conducted in France.

This study, which highlights the serious health risks of smoking, suggests that substances in tobacco may reduce the risk of coronavirus infection. According to the numbers of hospitals in Paris, ParentsOf the 11,000 patients hospitalized for Covid-19, 8.5% were smokers. The total number of smokers in France is estimated to be about 25.4%.

“This result shows that only 12.6% of 1,000 virus-infected people were smokers, compared to about 28% in China, according to a Chinese study published in the New England Journal of Medicine at the end of March. I found it. “I will add.

However, similar to the nature of the study, there are assumptions and hypotheses, but nothing is declared definitive until conclusive evidence is available. Similarly, there is no clear evidence that smoking increases the likelihood of a Covid-19 contract or bankruptcy.

Miracle cures have never looked so appealing, but it’s a time of fake news and conspiracy theories.

Rather than increasing confusion, WHO is expected to coordinate global outbreak efforts and provide leadership in countering the spread of false information.

It’s already on the firing line of US President Trump, who said he would stop funding WHO. His remarks helped the #DefundWHO hashtag gain momentum, while at the same time revealing other failures made by UN agencies.

The latest issue that has led to confusion and surprises on social media has been the “immune passport.” The post was then replaced by another.

Damage has already been done, whether or not the thread is informative and factual.

“This is a grand mistake. It’s not an explanation. Erodes trusts the organization,” tweeted Reinaldo Normand, CEO of a San Francisco-based startup.

Another shared a very legitimate concern that WHO’s frequent bangle could underpin the position of the US president.

“Yes, the same man who suggested injecting bleach into patients as a cure for # Covid19,” tweeted Faithal Choudrey.


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