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Oral hygiene: COVID-19, effective protection against periodontal disease


Scientists recently claimed that daily oral hygiene can protect people from COVID-19 and save lives. A study conducted at Qatar University in February this year suggested that severe periodontal disease increases the risk of death from infection almost nine times.

according to Yahoo! Life According to reports, a group of international researchers now believe that disruption of the immune defenses in the mouth causes coronavirus particles found in saliva to penetrate the lungs through the bloodstream, possibly stimulating complications.

Scientists have taken simple and effective daily steps to maintain oral hygiene, such as regular brushing, use of interdental sticks, and even gargling with salt water for gum inflammation that “leaks” the gums. It is recommended to step on it.

This follows reports from French researchers that taking mouthwashes containing the antiseptic povidone iodine may help reduce the number of coronavirus particles in the patient’s nose and throat.

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Science Times-Oral Hygiene Can Protect You from COVID-19 — Experts

(Photo: Martin Slavoljubovski on AIX)
Scientists recently claimed that daily oral hygiene can protect people from COVID-19 and save lives.

Periodontal disease and COVID-19

Most adults in the UK have some degree of gum disease called “periodontal disease” and tend to manifest as gum bleeding when brushing their teeth.

According to Professor Iain Chapple, a research author at the University of Birmingham, periodontal disease allows the gums to leak, allowing microorganisms to “invade the blood.”

In their study, COVID-19 pathway: Proposed oral-vascular-pulmonary pathway and importance of oral medical procedures for SARS-CoV-2 infectionPublished in Journal of Oral Medicine and Dental Research, Researchers have shown how to pass the veins in the chest and neck through the heart before the coronavirus is delivered to the lungs.

Professor Chapl says that simple measures such as careful “brushing and interdental brushing” to reduce plaque buildup, certain mouthwashes, or rinsing with salt water to reduce periodontitis reduce saliva levels of virus. I explained that it may be useful for.

Chapple added that this may alleviate the progression of lung disease and reduce the risk of exacerbation of severe COVID-10.

Benefits of mouthwash

As specified in the report Mouthwash Some argued that rinsing eliminates the rot-fighting fluoride left by toothpaste.

As a result, the National Health Service recommends that people do not use mouthwash immediately after brushing, even if it contains fluoride.

Previous studies COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Infection is mild in 4 of 5 cases. Nevertheless, certain traits increase an individual’s risk of complications, especially obesity and old age.

According to international scientists, periodontal disease may explain why apparently healthy people are sometimes severely ill with infections.

Professor Chapple said this could change the way the virus is managed, looking for cheap or free treatments aimed at the mouth, and ultimately saving lives.

Oral therapy

Regarding oral therapy, scientists emphasized the need for further research. Professor Ian Jones of the University of Reading previously pointed out that the benefits of using mouthwash are “temporary.” He added that constant replacement of the virus was a problem.

During additional research, Professor Chapple explained that daily oral hygiene and plaque control do not only improve oral health and well-being. It can also be a lifesaver in the context of this global health crisis.

The relevant report is shown in the FOX2 St. Louis YouTube video below.

Related article: Mouthwash can eliminate COVID-19 in the lab in 30 seconds, and scientists continue to test its effectiveness in patients

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Science Times.


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