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Masks can prevent seasonal allergies

Masks can prevent seasonal allergies


New studies may provide relief for patients with seasonal allergies.The· paperWas announced in Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyWearing a mask suggests that some symptoms of allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, may be alleviated.

Due to the pandemic, masks are now ubiquitous. Masks protect against viral particles, but they can also dodge wood pollen, mites, pet dander, and mold, which are the main causes of seasonal allergies. Inhalation of these particles or contact with the eyes can cause typical allergic symptoms such as itching, irritation, sneezing and stuffiness.

Pollen tends to be about 10 to 100 micrometers in size. By comparison, COVID-19 is 0.1 micrometer (although viruses are usually found in larger droplets).according to paper To conversationThe mask is a cobweb-like mesh system that can trap these particles and droplets. This web may also be trapping allergens.

The discovery that wearing a mask reduces allergic symptoms was somewhat surprising to the author of the paper, Dr. Amiel Dror, an otolaryngologist living at the Galilee Medical Center in Israel. Dror and his team initially investigated whether the fibers of the mask and the elastic ribbons that hold the mask in place could cause an allergic reaction due to prolonged direct skin contact.

Dr. Sandra Lin, a professor of otolaryngology at the School of Medicine and an expert on allergic rhinitis, was not so surprised by these results.In an interview with Newsletter, She explained that scientists generally recommend that allergic people wear masks when gardening or mowing the lawn.

Dror and his team conducted a survey of 301 nurses over a two-week period. The nurse was asked about allergic symptoms without wearing a mask. These explanations are based on memories of pre-pandemic symptom severity and experience when not working on weekends.

These nurses then wore N-95 or surgical masks for a week with a shift of 8-12 hours and reported the severity of their symptoms. The majority of nurses switched between two masks for research, but a few nurses could only use one mask. Researchers have asked whether mask types make a difference, whether both nasal and eye (eye) symptoms have been alleviated, and whether patients with both persistent and seasonal allergies have experienced significant benefits. Was analyzed.

Researchers have found that nurses with seasonal allergies make the most of wearing masks and report much milder nasal symptoms throughout the two weeks. Both surgical masks and N-95 masks provided about the same benefits in reducing allergic symptoms. As expected, the mask did not prevent allergens from coming into contact with the eyes, so wearing the mask had no significant effect on eye symptoms.

Nurses suffering from year-round allergies did not improve much because the causes of allergies, such as mite droppings, tend to be much more abundant in their home and work environment.

According to Dror and Lin, this study evaluated the effectiveness of surgical masks and N-95 masks, but cloth masks may have similar effects. The mass of the dough and the type of dough have a great influence on how well it works to block allergens.

on mail Newsletter, Dror explained that filtering pollen and other allergens in the air is the key to preventing symptoms with all types of masks.

“In essence, any physical barrier that can prevent the inspiration of pollen and other powerful allergens can achieve beneficial effects,” he writes.

Mr. Lin says that wearing masks is more aggressive than people think, as allergens can adhere for hours and there are allergens at home and outdoors where people may not be wearing masks. I warned that it was necessary.

“To be profitable, you really have to wear a mask a lot of time,” she said. “The nurses surveyed probably wore masks all day because they were at work, but most people don’t necessarily wear masks because they may not be needed at work. not.”

Due to the pandemic, masks are more commonly accepted today. However, Dror states that this may be temporary.

“Individuals may now find it more comfortable to wear a mask in public, but it is not yet known if this phenomenon will spread beyond COVID-19,” he writes.

Lin is optimistic that the habit of wearing a mask will continue beyond the pandemic in certain situations, such as a mild cold attack or a large public place while traveling. People are now accustomed to wearing masks, so they may be more open to wearing masks to prevent serious seasonal allergies.

Unfortunately, wearing a mask does not resolve all allergies. Dror and Lin encourage patients experiencing severe seasonal allergies to see a doctor for effective allergy treatment.

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