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Deaths from LA coronavirus rise as SoCal relaxes restrictions


LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-Corner virus deaths every two weeks in Los Angeles County began to deregulate nearby counties, leading to crowded beach scenes and a backlash from state authorities and social media.

The image adjacent to a vacant, closed beach in Los Angeles County provides a clear visual contrast and may reflect a disparity in approaches to combating pandemics. Enduring the brunt of the state outbreak, Los Angeles health officials have urged residents to protect each other by respecting social distance guidelines while maintaining strict closure. On Monday, the county reported an additional 900 cases and 29 additional deaths, with the total number of confirmed cases exceeding 20,000, resulting in a death toll of close to 1,000.

At the same time, Orange and Ventura counties have not suffered a serious outbreak, and some residents have chosen to open many beaches and parks as the desire to go out has increased. However, bathers in Orange and Ventura counties include residents of Los Angeles county, and studies have shown that hundreds of thousands of people are unaware of COVID-19.

“This virus doesn’t get rid of weekends.”

The packed beach stimulated the violent governor on Monday.

“These images are examples of what you don’t see … what you shouldn’t do if you’re trying to extend the meaningful progress we’ve made in the last few weeks to the next few weeks.” “In reality, we’re only a few weeks away, not a few, from making a measurable and meaningful change to our home order.

“But this is a very optimistic point, it is driven by data. It is driven by behavior. And changing our behavior can impact science, health and data. Yes, this virus doesn’t go off on weekends, it doesn’t go home because it’s a beautiful sunny day around our coast. “

Weekend TV news images showed crowds gathering on the sand and many seemed to be leaving the other beach gores, but others seem to ignore such safeguards. is.

Newsam discussed them in daily coronavirus briefings from Sacramento, arguing that the condition had progressed by “flattening the curve” of COVID-19 infections, but a break from health mandates. Was clearly frustrated with the images that would jeopardize his efforts.

“You have to manage the risk,” he said. “We need to manage and enhance our behavior, so it’s not going to impress Californians that we don’t see the images we see on Newport Beach and elsewhere in California, especially on Saturdays. can not. “
Recognizing the situation, Newport Beach officials voted to close the city’s beaches for the next three weekends on Monday.

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In a statement issued over the weekend, the city said: “While most beach goers practice responsible social distance, the amount of visitors causes a significant neighborhood impact, and from California State Park” you go outdoors when you’re nearby. This is not the time for an expedition to the destination park or beach. “
The Governor said he respected local decisions and put political pressure on elected officials, but said he needed to maintain social distance.

“I can’t impress people anymore, the only thing that can set us back is our actions,” he said. “The only thing that will set us back is people who stop to practice physical distances and proper social distances. That adapts our ability to resume this economy, the order of home stays. The only thing that slows down the ability to make changes is, like iIsaid, if the data has been stable over the past few weeks, then weeks instead of months.The only thing you can stop is more than you saw this weekend. Many images. “

See also:

Frank County CEO of Orange County said he drove along the coast this weekend and noticed a large crowd, but once the beaches are reopened in San Diego and elsewhere, the problem goes away. I believe that.

“I heard that San Diego would open the beach would benefit us because no one would come to Orange County from San Diego,” Kim said. “I don’t want to punish Orange County residents. Let them be regenerated away from the outdoors … I think density will decrease as the beach opens.”

Outbreak, Los Angeles Retirement Homes, Homeless, Healthcare Workers

As some fatigued residents move away from their social distances, health authorities continue to face the serious challenge of protecting the most vulnerable people from this disease.
According to the county, about 45% of deaths occur mainly in facilities such as skilled nursing homes.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-APRIL 25: A team of volunteer pilots from Skytyper over Hollywood in the Coronavirus outbreak on April 25, 2020 in Los Angeles on “Stay Strong LA” and “Thanks Grocery Store”. A man takes a picture when you create a skywriting message such as “Heroes”, California. As COVID-19 continued to spread, messages of encouragement and safety were generated at 10,000 feet, with each message spreading from 5 to 10 miles above. (Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images)

On Monday, the county introduced a revised test program in nursing homes to test all residents and staff, whether they had symptoms or not. The test was previously reserved only for those who were symptomatic for COVID-19, a move now recognized by the county authorities may have fueled the spread of the virus.

“In the early days of this pandemic, no one knew that infected but asymptomatic people could spread COVID-19, so unfortunately, even if everyone was doing their best, the virus “We will use the information we have at the time to implement infection control,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of the county’s Department of Health. “So when the epidemic began, we didn’t know enough to take additional steps at collective living facilities to make sure we did everything we could to protect our residents and staff. I apologize for that, for all of us. “

As of Monday, Ferrer said at least one COVID-19 case was reported at Monday’s 312 facilities in nursing homes, skilled care homes, nursing homes, shelters, prisons, and prisons, as of Monday. There is. She said 423 people were killed in such situations, most of them in skilled nursing homes.

Due to the continuing increase in cases and deaths in nursing homes, county health officials will issue a revised order applicable on Friday for all licensed “collective health care” or long-term care facilities I urged

The order prohibits non-essential visitors to such facilities and allows only essential workers to enter.
“It suspends all communal eating and activity … to ensure there is sufficient distance between the inhabitants there,” Ferrer said. “Staff should always wear a surgical mask and, where appropriate, personal protective equipment. Residents should also wear a surgical mask or cloth face cover when they are outside their room. is needed.”
Nursing homes are not the only communities unfairly damaged by viruses.

118 homeless were infected. The county is coping with an outbreak on a skid row Union Rescue mission in downtown Los Angeles, with more than 50 positive reactions.

According to Ferrer, Los Angeles County has 1,968 healthcare workers, an increase of 527 from last week. Eleven health workers have died in the county (all between March 28 and April 21), most of them in nursing home staff. Nurses account for 43% of COVID-19 cases among healthcare workers.

Ferrer once again lamented the rising mortality rate from COVID-19 within certain ethnic groups, especially within the black community. Of the 942 people who died of illness, racial / ethnic data were available on Monday of 865 people, of which 37% were Latin, 28% were whie, 18% were Asian, 14% were Black, and 1% were Native Hawaiian. Or it was Pacific Islander.

In the Black community, the mortality rate from coronaviruses is 13.2 per 100,000 compared to the total population. There are 9.8 people per 100,000 in Latin communities, 7.9 in Asians and 5.7 in whites.
She also said that high-poor communities were three times the mortality rate of COVID-19, with 16.9 deaths per 100,000.

“This data is very alarming, indicating the need for immediate action in communities with excessively high mortality rates,” Ferrer said.

She said such actions include increasing testing and providing better access to health care resources.

The county publishes an interactive “dashboard” online with data on tests, cases, and deaths by city / community, Ferrer said. She said she was being offered in hopes of giving people “a deeper understanding of how COVID-19 is affecting LA County.”

City News Service and Patch Staff Paige Ostin contributed to this report.

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