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This green solution saves lives and billions of dollars — research


As urban population surge As the demand for real estate increases, American cities Green space. The loss comes at a cost. Losing nature not only changes the aesthetics of the city, but has a fundamental impact on the health of residents.

according to Recent research, Green spaces don’t just create cities Feel More livable—increasing green spaces can actually save lives.

Previous this jive the study, show Urban parks, gardens and gardens provide urban dwellers with physical activity, social interaction, and Stress relaxation.

This study published Monday in a journal Lancet planet health, Found to be increasing Tree crown 30% of Philadelphia’s land area, Pennsylvania 403 premature deaths Every year in the whole city. If you add green space, $ 4 billion.

“We have long thought that trees help us live a healthier life, but we have not invested in science to quantify it,” co-authors. Michelle Kondo, A US Forest Service social scientist Reverse.

This city-wide analysis is that investment. Second, the team was able to connect the dots between the “invisible, uncountable benefits” of the city’s trees, economic impact, and mortality.

“Increasing green space can bring significant returns to investment,” says Kondo. “The simple message is that many are better.”

How to determine the green space The researchers who impacted mortality analyzed Philadelphia, PA. Is one of it maximum American cities with a relatively high risk of death.

Using aerial photography and satellite images, researchers mapped existing tree cover throughout the city, looking at leaves and branches from above. In 2014, when the survey was conducted, trees occupied 20% of the total city area.

Tree cover for 2014 by the Census District. High-income areas have many green areas, and low-income areas have few trees and vegetation. Lancet planet health

The team also Large-scale meta-analysis, Contains over 8 million people in seven different countries. This analysis suggested that residential green spaces could protect against premature all-cause mortality.

In the new study, researchers applied this international data to local situations. Through a so-called greening program, the team estimated deaths from all causes that could be prevented if the amount of green space in the city increased Greenworks Philadelphia. To estimate the economic cost, scientists have also calculated the monetary value of lives lost prematurely.

Next, we predicted three scenarios for the 2025 cityscape. The first forecast is based on the current goals set by the Philadelphia City Council. City-wide canopy increased by 9.7%. In the second scenario, the canopy in non-vegetated areas increased by 5% (a total increase of 3.7% across the city). In the third scenario, the city-wide canopy increased by 7.4%.

The results showed tremendous effects related to tree planting: If Philadelphia achieves the 30% goal, Studies suggest that early deaths in 403 adults are prevented each year. This represents 3% of the city’s annual mortality rate.

Even a 5% increase in tree-free areas can cost 302 cities deaths annually across the city, worth $ 2.9 billion. Meanwhile, a 10% increase in canopy across the city was associated with an estimated 376 deaths and a $ 3.6 billion loss in value.

Researchers argue that regions with lower socio-economic status benefit most from increased canopy cover, as these regions have a dramatic tree deficit compared to high-income regions. .

This survey cannot be fixed exactly Which cause will reduce the excess tree cover. It can return to the effects of nature on physical activity, social cohesion, and mental health. on the other hand, 2015 survey We have found that adding green space throughout Philadelphia from 2000 to 2012 reduces the incidence of crime and gun violence.

Yet, researchers emphasize that saving lives is not as easy as planting some extra trees.

Since the survey was completed, Kondo and her colleagues Declined Despite “strong tree planting”, it’s been 10 years. This decline is most likely due to climate-related events, invasive pests and diseases, and development and construction, Kondo explains.

Greenworks Philadelphia needs to grow rapidly to reach and reach its 30% goal by 2025, planting not only in parks and public gardens, but also in residential gardens and private spaces there is.

Entry into a private space adds an additional layer of complexity. Kondo says that greening programs can often mean upscale and eventual translocation. Getting the support of community members and ensuring they stay home is a difficult but necessary part of building a successful green space program.

Ultimately, the Philadelphia study provides a roadmap for policymakers in other cities on the magnitude of health benefits of actual green space intervention proposals and how to overcome these challenges.

“Every city faces a number of challenges, not just increasing tree crowns, but simply maintaining them,” says Kondo. “Increasing tree crowns requires more than grassroots efforts.”


Background Cities around the world are working on an ambitious project to expand the canopy by increasing the number of trees planted across public and private spaces. Epidemiologic studies have linked green spaces in the urban environment to the physical and mental health benefits of urban dwellers. Greenworks Philadelphia plans to increase tree cover throughout Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA by 2025. The aim was to assess whether increasing the crown or green space of Philadelphia would reduce mortality.

Method A greenland health impact assessment was conducted to estimate the annual premature mortality of adult residents associated with predicted changes in canopy cover in Philadelphia from 2014 to 2025. The latest exposure response function was used to calculate the number of preventable years: premature death throughout the city, low and high socio-economic status areas, and each of the three canopy scenarios: low, medium and ambition. The ambitious scenario reflects the city’s goal of covering 30% of the canopy in each district of the city. The low and medium scenarios were based on different levels of plantable space throughout the neighborhood.

Survey results Overall, 403 (95% intervals 298-618) premature deaths in Philadelphia, including 244 (180-373) premature deaths in lower socio-economic status, if the city could reach its goal of growing trees. Estimated that it can prevent. The canopy covers up to 30%.

Interpretation To bring all of Philadelphia, especially the poorest, to the goal of up to 30% of canopy cover is essential. Nonetheless, policies that value urban greening efforts as health promotion and cost savings are guaranteed.

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