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Studies suggest a much higher incidence of cancer in the Middle Ages than previously recognized


This is, in part, prolonging life expectancy, habits such as smoking, and Tumor-inducing chemicals after the Industrial Revolution.

However, a new study published in a medieval skeletal cancer journal suggests that cancer was more widespread than previously recognized-although it is still less common than it is today.

In the first study of this kind, researchers at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom analyzed 143 skeletons from six Cambridge cemeteries. A region dating back to the 6th and 16th centuries. To detect malignant lesions, the team focused on the three areas most likely to contain secondary malignant growth in cancer patients: the spine, pelvis, and femur.

Scientists visually examined the bones and used radiographs and computed tomography scans. The team found that 3.5% of individuals showed evidence of metastatic cancer-that is, when the malignant tumor spread from where it started to another part of the body.

“Most cancers are formed in soft tissue organs for a long time after being broken down by medieval relics. Only some cancers spread to the bone, and a few of them are visible in the bone. I looked for signs of malignancy, “said Piers. Mitchell, senior researcher and director of the Institute for Ancient Parasites, Faculty of Archeology, University of Cambridge, said in a news statement.

Taking into account data on the modern population, where CT scans detect bone metastases in about 75% of the time and show the rate of death from cancer with metastases to bone, researchers start with 9% of medieval British. It was estimated that 14% had cancer.

“Modern studies show that one-third to half of patients with soft tissue cancer have tumors that have spread to the bone. Combining this data with evidence of bone metastases from our study, We estimated the incidence of cancer in the United Kingdom in the Middle Ages, “explained Mitchell in the study. First author.

Numerous bodies have been excavated on the site of John the Evangelist Hospital in Cambridge, England. As part of the study, skeletal debris was investigated.

Main pain

Previous studies of cancer incidence using archaeological records have been limited to examining the surface of bone for lesions. These past studies have suggested that cancer is rare and affects less than 1% of the population, the study said.

The 3rd century of smallpox mortality data shows how epidemics prolong

“In the past, the most important causes of health problems in medieval people were thought to be infections such as dysentery and bubonic plague, as well as malnutrition and injuries from accidents and wars,” co-author Jenna said.・ Ditmer says.McDonald’s Archaeological Institute, University of Cambridge, while conducting research analysis.

“We now have to add cancer as one of the major illness classes that have plagued medieval people,” Dittmar said in a statement.

Even with this high estimate, studies show that medieval cancer is far less prevalent in modern Britain, where the prevalence of cancer at death is 40% to 50%.

Unanswered questions

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One of the key questions that remains unresolved, according to research, is how much the effects of toxins and pollutants from smoking and industrialization have affected the risk of developing cancer.

“The best way we have to answer This question We will study data before the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s and 1800s, and after Europeans settled across the Atlantic in the Americas in the 1500s and before tobacco became available in the United Kingdom. ” Stated.

Researchers said the study had limitations. It is difficult to diagnose cancer in people who have died for centuries-the skeleton cannot explain their symptoms or have a blood test. In addition, other diseases of life can cause bone changes that can mimic the lesions created by metastases, and degradation can also affect postmortem bone.

Also, the sample size was limited by the number of skeletons available, where the spine, pelvis, and femur were well preserved, resulting in greater margin of error.

“Further research using CT scans of clearly normal skeletons in different regions and periods is needed to see how common cancers have been in major civilizations in the past,” Mitchell said. It was.


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