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Proteins remodel the intracellular membrane to help Legionella survive in host cells


How Legionella makes itself at home

In a new study, Legionella (red) oscillates between the endoplasmic reticulum (green) and foamy or tubular structures (blue), helping to create or maintain structures that contain the bacterium during infection. It has been suggested.Credits: Ting-sung Hsieh, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Scientists at UT Southwestern have discovered important proteins that help the bacteria responsible for legionellosis build their homes in the cells of humans and other hosts.Survey results published in ScienceMay provide insights into how other bacteria can survive inside cells, knowledge that may lead to new treatments for various infectious diseases.

“Many infectious bacteria, from Listeria to Chlamydia to Salmonella, use systems that allow them to live inside the host’s cells,” said Harold C, assistant professor of molecular biology at UTSW. Dr. Vincent Tagliabracci, a member research leader, said. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center. “A better understanding of the tools they use to achieve this can teach us some interesting biochemistry and ultimately lead to new targets for treatment.”

In Tagliabracci’s laboratory, we are studying atypical kinases, which are abnormal forms of enzymes that transfer chemical groups called phosphates to proteins and lipids and change their functions. Studies here and elsewhere have shown that Legionella, a genus of bacteria that causes legionellosis, is a particularly abundant source of these non-standard kinases. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 10,000 cases of legionellosis were reported in the United States in 2018, but the actual incidence is believed to be higher.

After identifying a new Legionella atypical kinase named MavQ, Tagliabracci and his colleagues used live cell imaging techniques combined with a relatively new molecular tagging technique to find where MavQ is in infected human cells. I checked. Instead of living in a specific location, researchers say that proteins oscillate back and forth between the endoplasmic reticulum (a network of membranes important for protein and lipid synthesis) and intracellular foamy or tubular structures. I was surprised to see it.

Further research shows that MavQ, along with a partner molecule called SidP, A structure that houses parasites inside so that Legionella can help steal parts of the membrane to form and maintain vacuoles. Protect it from immune attacks.

Michael L. Rosenberg, a scholar of medical research and a scholar at the Texas Cancer Prevention Institute (CPRIT), said that other bacterial pathogens adopted existing host cell structures using similar mechanisms. I suspect you are creating your own shelter. ..

Legionella forces closure of CDC office

For more information:
Ting-Sung Hsieh et al. Dynamic remodeling of host membranes by self-assembling bacterial effectors, Science (2021). DOI: 10.1126 / science.aay8118

Quote: The protein remodels the intracellular membrane to help Legionella survive in the host cell (2021, May 10). Obtained from https: // on May 10, 2021

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