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Conservative Actor Tim Allen Gets New Show That Shifts Gears As Woke Entertainment Gets Rejected

Conservative Actor Tim Allen Gets New Show That Shifts Gears As Woke Entertainment Gets Rejected


Conservative Christian actor Tim Allen returns to ABC with new comedy sitcom Change speed.

Here we are again! the actor wrote on Facebook. ABC has ordered a comedy pilot, Shifting Gears. Stay tuned!

Variety reports that Allen will star in and produce the series, which will mark his third appearance on ABC, following his long-running shows Home Improvement (1991-1999) and Last man standing (2011-2021). Of course, Allen also played the role of Santa Claus in Santa film trilogy and voiced Buzz Lightyear in toy story.

In the [Shifting Gears] project, Allen plays Matt, the stubborn, widowed owner of a classic car restoration shop. When Matt's ex-daughter and her teenage children move into his house, the real restoration begins. Variety summary.

ABC order a pilot season of Change speed to assess demand for the program.

In 2017, the network canceled Last man standing after its sixth season, sparking heated controversy over the reasons for its decision.

Last man standing had attracted 8.1 million viewers during its sixth season, so fans of the show speculated that ABC canceled it due to the show's right-wing political commentary.

Allen plays conservative Christian father Mike Baxter who repeatedly criticizes high taxes, political correctness, speech codes on college campuses and frequently makes pointed jokes at the expense of liberals. As a focus on trendy families observedthe show was one of the only truly conservative outlets on television.

Unlike most current television shows, Last man standing gives a positive image of marriage and masculinity. According to the show description,

Mike Baxter is a happily married father of three daughters who happens to be a strange man as he tries to maintain his manhood in a household surrounded by women. Mike tries to escape all the girl drama at home into the warm, manly embrace of his job at Outdoor Man Store, a sporting goods store where he is a marketing director. He also revels in his Outdoor Man vlog, which he uses as a pulpit to express his opinions – which often have nothing to do with the store's merchandise. When he's supposed to be selling mountain bikes or kayaks, he ends up talking about the environment, health care, international politics, or whatever else concerns him.

After the outcry from his fans, Last man standing was picked up by Fox, for three additional seasons before its final episode aired on May 20, 2021.

Tim Allen also recently starred in Santa Clauses on Disney+, based on Santa cinematic trilogy. Allen, who was one of the series' executive producers, insisted that Christmas remain clearly religious as the series' theme.

Originally there were a lot of otherworldly characters, ghosts and goblins. I said no, it's Christmas. It is Christ-mas. It's literally a religious holiday, Allen said of the show, adding:

We don't need to blow trumpets, but I want you to recognize it. That's what it's about. If you want to get into the role of Santa Claus, you'll have to go back to history, and it's all about religion.

Allen's insistence on keeping the focus on Christ in Santa Clauses is all the more remarkable because it was produced for The Walt Disney Co., which has become increasingly and shamelessly woke in recent years, suffering heavy financial losses in the process.

As the Everyday Citizen has already reported, its animated film Light yearwhich featured gay characters and subplots, probably lost Disney over $100 million.

Disney then released Strange worldwhere the homosexuality of the main characters is at the heart of this story. [movies] the story turns.

Although the studio spent between $135 million and $180 million to produce the film (not including advertising costs), Strange world only made $73 million at the box office, which could once again cause Disney to lose over $100 million.

These examples show that most Americans simply do not want overtly sexual and homosexual themes forced on their children. But what are they TO DO want, like the success of Last man standing shows, is more conservative content that neither rejects nor mocks their values.

Given Tim Allen's track record, this is probably what Change speed will aim to deliver.

Do you plan to watch Change speed when will it be first?

If you want to know more about the entertainment content your family watches, check out the free Focus on the Families service.Branch. The Plugged In team reviews movies, TV shows, music, games, books and more. You can read Plugged Ins review fromLast man standinghere.

Related articles and resources:

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