Top 3 Questions-Mental Illness, Eating Disorders, Mental Health Discrimination
Good morning. My name is Ruth Vine. Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Mental Health. And my cry today is for all the people lining up for vaccination in some new mass hubs, and those who have foreign friends and family they really want to see. Because. straight away. Today I will answer three questions.
The first question, when does someone need to go to the hospital because of a mental illness?
Yes, thank you for that question. So, first of all, let’s just say that both the public and private sectors have inpatient and hospital beds for people with mental illness or mental illness. And most of the time, people need to be hospitalized for various diagnoses because of mental illness, but for certain reasons, and because the illness is very severe, they really take care of it. They may not be able to stay at home, they can’t really be safe at home, they may not be able to self-care, they don’t want to be around, they don’t want to A world where you may think you don’t want to live. Therefore, there may be safety reasons why a person needs to be hospitalized. However, if the illness is severe and the treatment is very complex, a person may need to be hospitalized. And they may need to be thoroughly supported, evaluated, and seen by doctors and nurses. Like other healthcare professionals, including psychologists, they require some research and may stabilize their treatment. However, most of the care for people with mental illness is still done in the community, and sometimes people will come to their hospital beds through the emergency department, sometimes it is a directly arranged hospitalization, which is especially It happens in the private sector. Also, some people who go to the hospital for mental illness fall under the Mental Health Act. That is, they come as compulsory patients. It’s the shortest time possible, keeping people safe and starting treatment. Thank you very much.
The second question. What are the signs to watch out for if you think your friends and family may have an eating disorder? And what steps do you need to take to support them?
Yeah, thank you. Often, people who develop eating disorders can do that, it can develop fairly slowly, and can be very difficult to notice. Someone started paying a little attention to their diet, or they seemed to start exercising, then you start to worry that it might continue, this diet is too narrow, eating behavior is really strange Maybe the person is exercising, exercising, constantly exercising and, in connection with that, losing more weight than they originally intended, and certainly they I think you are rational as a family and friend of mine. And sometimes there are other behaviors, eating disorders can also be associated with overeating, often secretly eating, and self-induced vomiting. So there are different patterns, but the most common one is that people go too far and lose some control. And when you’re worried about this, some of the things I suggest are first informed, there’s a lot of good information on the website, you’re a butterfly foundation, or a national eating disorder. Collaboration, or a mess that can go to the center of dining excellence, you’re ready because they all have a good website with good information, and express your concerns, It’s absolutely appropriate to ask if there’s something you can help, it’s always better to get help sooner than wait, those actions are really rooted and control of where the person wants to go For a long time I’m really losing. So find it, get help, and help that person get help.
And finally, I often hear that people with mental illness face stigma and discrimination. Is this true?
Sadly, I think it’s true. And perhaps a little bit, stigma, when we see a particular aspect of a person in a negative way, or in a derogatory and derogatory way, and when stigma is a person, our actions. , Or the behavior of our system is unfair and discriminatory. So, to give an example, some people think that if you come to an emergency department with a mental illness, you don’t need to go to the emergency department, although not so many now. , You are taking up space for those who have a real illness, those who have a physical illness. But I think people are much better off by understanding that mental illness is just as serious and can be just as dangerous, but nonetheless. Discrimination also involves several forms of insurance, such as health insurance, old-age insurance, and life insurance, where people may ask you if you have a mental illness. Or have you ever sought treatment for a mental illness? And it may have negative and negative consequences for that person’s insurance. So it’s probably worse for someone with a more serious illness. And I think this is related to a lack of understanding, and we don’t speak openly enough about it. I think it’s much better than before for some illnesses such as depression and anxiety. I think there is much less discrimination about it, but we still really need to be careful. Whether at your workplace or how people interact with others in school or community groups, you call it, “hang out, all of us develop mental illness. There is no denial, that is, there is no denial. ”And because of mental illness, we should never behave differently or diminish people’s service or awareness. So I think it’s better, I think it’s still there, we need to keep working with it.
Thank you very much
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