Flattening Coronavirus Curves: What Are The Benefits Of Wearing A Homemade Cloth Face Mask?
Anthony Magnano, M.D.
We learned a lot in a short time about the new coronavirus, COVID-19. And the more you learn, the better recommendations that health and government officials can offer to help you “flatten the curve.” However, it can be difficult to keep up with current guidelines due to the large amount of information published daily.
There is no doubt that the United States has a unique healthcare system that can help patients with the most complex medical conditions. However, we must not be content to be accustomed to preventing the droplet-based spread of highly infectious respiratory viruses through our “high-tech” capabilities. Ironically, residents of countries with higher congestion, more volatile public health standards, and more recent outbreaks such as SARS and MERS are accustomed to good behavioral practices and personal protection against viral illness. It is possible that Wearing a face mask is an important part of this equation and may have helped slow the spread of COVID-19 in mainland China.
It is important to note that the most effective way to slow the spread of coronaviruses is to wash your hands, avoid contaminated objects, and maintain an appropriate social distance. In addition to these practices, the latest recommendation advised by the Centers for Disease Control is the public use of fabric face covers. In the confusion surrounding this topic, I’ll show you how to properly use, get, wear and clean face masks for the general public.
Why is CDC recommending face masks for general use?
The most important measure to reduce the risk of public infection is to maintain social distance and avoid meetings. In addition, it was important for healthcare professionals and infected patients to wear face masks to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in healthcare facilities. This reflects the fact that face-to-face encounters, like caring for an ill patient, can result in significant exposure to coronaviruses. In contrast, most public and social encounters are less likely to lead to such exposure.
I have noticed that a significant proportion of patients with coronavirus have little or no symptoms. Even people who eventually show symptoms can infect others with the virus before they become aware of the disease. The virus infects people nearby by speaking, coughing, or sneezing. In light of these new discoveries, the CDC now recommends wearing cloth covers in public places where maintaining a 6-foot social distance is difficult. This includes visiting important businesses that interact closely with cashiers, such as grocery stores and pharmacies.
What type of mask should I wear?
Due to the limited supply of masks nationwide, personal protective equipment must be readily available in the healthcare setting to protect health care workers and the highest risk patients. Therefore, it is important to understand the differences between the three types of face masks: N95 masks, surgical masks and cloth face covers. Fabric surface covers made from household items such as bandanas and scarves are recommended for public use. While disposable surgical masks are fine, the general population does not necessarily need N95 or surgical masks, and increased consumer spending can lead to a shortage of health care workers.
Although not medical grade, cloth face masks have been shown to help protect others in case of unknowing infection. They can also provide important clues to avoid touching your face. However, it’s important to remember that crossmasks do not prevent infection from others. That is why we cannot give a false sense of security. Still, it is necessary to maintain a safe and social distance and to properly wash your hands.
How to make and use a cross-face mask
If you choose to wear a cloth face mask, there are many ways to make it for free at home. For example, you can cut a T-shirt and create a tie tied around your neck and back of your head. If you are accustomed to sewing, you can cut a cotton rectangle, thread the hem around it, make an ear loop and sew it together. The third option is to place the coffee filter inside the folded bandana and use the hair tie as an ear loop. For more information on homemade face masks, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The cloth face cover should fit snugly and comfortably on the sides of the face and allow unlimited breathing. Be sure to wash your hands before and after applying the face mask. Never touch the front of the mask. Handle it only from the sides or straps and avoid touching it. If you need to remove the mask, place it in a clean surface or bag. In addition, it is important to wash your mask at the end of the day or when you get home. Put it in the pillow case and put it in the washing machine. Alternatively, soak the mask in warm soapy water and vinegar for 20 minutes in a bowl, rinse well, squeeze and hang it to dry (or dry it in a dryer pillowcase).
Where to get cloth face masks
If you don’t want to make it yourself, local companies such as tailors and boutiques make and sell face masks. You can also purchase from websites such as Amazon and Etsy. However, pay attention to these sites, as the quality varies. Masks may not be made according to CDC guidelines. It can be very expensive due to low supply.
Finally, I’m excited to share a new and innovative way for residents of the Jacksonville area to receive CDC-recommended cloth face masks for free. Through the “Masks4Jax” movement, large manufacturers and local companies come together to make masks easily available to the community. Starting this week, 30,000 masks will be donated to local restaurants. Simply order a takeout from one of the participating locations and you will receive two free face masks when ordering. This is a great way to support local businesses and help flatten the curve of coronavirus infections in your community. Visit to find a steadily growing list of participating restaurants. Keep in mind that when faced together to combat this very serious pandemic, a fabric face cover is most effective for everyone to wear.
Dr. Anthony Magnano is a local cardiologist who lives on Pontevedra Beach. Visit for more information on Masks4Jax movements and where to get free face masks.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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