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According to scientists, Covid is levitation.Now the authorities think so too


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A quiet revolution is pervading the world’s health world. Authorities have come to accept what many researchers have claimed over the past year. Coronavirus can spread in the air.

By its new acceptance, World Health Organization And the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Has specific implications. Scientists are calling for an overhaul of the ventilation system, as was the case with public water in the 1800s after the stinking pipes were found to be moored. cholera..

Cleaner indoor air not only fights pandemics, but also minimizes the risk of getting the flu and other respiratory infections that cost more than $ 50 billion a year in the United States, researchers say. In research In the journal Science on Friday.Avoid these bacteria and their related sick Therefore, reduced productivity offsets the cost of upgrading building ventilation and filtration.

“We are accustomed to the fact that clean water comes out of the faucet,” he said. Lydia MorauskaHe was a prominent professor of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, and led the research. Similarly, “you need to expect clean, pollutant-free and pathogen-free air from indoor spaces,” she said of Zoom.

The author of a study of 39 scientists from 14 countries demands Universal perception Infection can be prevented by improving the indoor ventilation system. They allow WHO to extend indoor air quality guidelines to cover pathogens in the air, establish ventilation standards, and measure higher airflow, filtration, disinfection rates, and air quality that the public is breathing. I would like to create a monitor that will allow you to.

“A paradigm shift is necessary on a scale that occurs when: Chadwick Sanitary Report In 1842, the British Government began encouraging cities to organize clean water supplies and centralized sewage systems, “they write.

“No one is responsible for the air,” Morauska said. “It is, in a sense, accepted that any quality of air, including viruses and pathogens, is acceptable.”

Speak, sing

SARS-CoV-2 allows it to multiply in the respiratory tract and spread to particles of various sizes released from the infected person’s nose and throat during breathing, talking, singing, coughing, and sneezing.

read more: How do people catch Covid-19?This is what the experts say

The largest particles, including visible saliva droplets, fall quickly and settle on the ground or nearby surfaces, while the smallest particles- aerosol Invisible to the naked eye-can be carried Farther Will stay in the air longer depending on Humidity, Temperature and airflow.

It is these aerosol particles that are controversial and can last for hours and move indoors.

But Aerial infection, Like tuberculosis, measles and chickenpox Difficult to track Rather than pathogens that infect contaminated food and water, studies over the last 16 months support the role of aerosols in the spread of pandemic viruses.

It has led to official recommendations for public masking and other infection control strategies.But even those came after aerosol scientists lobbied for stricter measures. Minimize Danger.

read more: Do you want to get a jab and show your face?Changes in mask rules

Morawska and colleagues Open letter Supported by 239 scientists last July to approve additional precautions, such as increasing ventilation and preventing recirculation of air that may contain viruses in the building. I requested.

Geneva-based organizations said that the coronavirus “is usually among those who are in close contact with each other, usually. 1 meter, “Or about 3 feet.

“Nothing magic”

Morauska, who heads the WHO Cooperation Center for Air Quality and Health, says it’s oversimplified.

“There is no magic in this one meter,” Morauska said. The closer you are to an infected person, the higher the concentration of infectious particles and the shorter the exposure time required for the infection to occur. “As you move away, your concentration decreases,” she said.

According to Morawska, infectious aerosols remain concentrated in the air longer in poorly ventilated and confined indoor spaces.

A densely populated environment increases the number of people who may be exposed to aerial infections, but uncrowded, closed indoor areas can also be dangerous.

“WHO is gradually changing the language,” she said.

Formerly a fellow Polish-born physicist Morauska International Atomic Energy AgencyRaina MacIntyre, a professor of global biosecurity at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, said she could admire the change in WHO attitude.

“Professor Morauska’s contribution to the background of world-leading expertise in aerosol science has had a real impact by forcing WHO’s hands,” McIntyre said in an email.

“Hygiene Theater”


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