Pneumifil, an coronavirus drug, shows promise in the lab, and scientists hope to start clinical trials “quickly”
Antiviral drugs that scientists hope one day will be able to use for prevention and treatment COVID-19 shows promise in lab testing. The author envisions a drug in the form of a nasal spray, hoping to start clinical trials “quickly”.
The drug works by masking specific receptors in the respiratory tract and blocking the virus from entering the cell. A Scottish team has confirmed that sugar-binding proteins known as Carbohydrate Binding Modules (mCBM), including what’s called Neumifil, prevent lab cells from infecting SAV-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. I have found that.
Currently there are no specific drugs or vaccines COVID-19, and the team are among the scientists competing to find ways to tackle the disease. According to Johns Hopkins UniversityHas been diagnosed by over 3 million people worldwide COVID-In 19 years, almost 981,000 people survived and 227,705 died. America is the country with the best known cases. Statista Less than.
The drug was created by Pneumagen, a spin-out company at St Andrews University in Scotland. SARS-CoV-2 is a member of the large coronavirus family of viruses that cause diseases such as SARS, MERS, and some common colds.
Pneumagen’s study of COVID-19 builds on previous studies investigating whether Numifil can be used to treat patients with other respiratory infections, such as the flu and the cold called the respiratory syncytial virus. I will.
Gary Taylor, a biology professor at St Andrews who led the research, MailOnline While traditional antiviral drugs attack the virus, the drug prevents bugs from invading cells.
Dr Taylor explained that the drug works by blocking access to the viral spike protein, a receptor used to enter the body called ACE2.
“Our drugs bind to sugar molecules on the surface of every cell in the respiratory tract,” he said. “These same types of carbohydrates are on the surface of viral spike proteins and are used to enter cells.”
Taylor went on: “Imagine it given as a nasal drop and imagine it given weekly or every other day.”
Douglas Thomson, CEO New Magen, Said statement: “Today’s positive results In vitro Our research mCBM Against Coronavirus Show it Glycan Bonding has the potential to prevent and treat infections. ” Glycan A polymer made by all living things.
“This further supports the value of our universal therapy to block SARS access to lung cells-CoV-2 Provides the potential for pan-viral respiratory products, as well as other viruses that cause respiratory infections. Our goal is to quickly launch clinical trials for prevention and treatment COVID-19. “
The result is that scientists and health officials can quickly deploy new drugs, COVID-19 pandemics while ensuring that they are safe and effective. Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Forch, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), At the White House press conference Experimental antiviral agent Rem decivil A study conducted by the US government has shown that it “blocks this virus.”
Centers for Disease Control Center advice on delaying infections using face coverings COVID-19
- The CDC recommends wearing cloth-covers in public places where maintaining social distance is difficult.
- A simple cloth face covering helps delay the spread of the virus by infected and asymptomatic people.
- Fabric face covers can be made from household items. Guides are provided by CDC. (https: // /Coronavirus/ 2019-ncov/ prevent-getting-sick /diy-Cloth face cover.html)
- The cloth front cover should be washed regularly. A washing machine is enough.
- Safely remove your face cover without touching your eyes, nose or mouth, and wash your hands immediately after removing the cover.
World Health Organization Advice to Avoid Growth Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Hygiene advice
- Clean your hands frequently by rubbing them with soap and water or alcohol-based hands.
- Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. When caring for an illness; before cooking, during cooking, after cooking before eating; after using the toilet; if your hands are clearly soiled. After handling animals and waste.
- Keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who cough or sneeze.
- Do not touch your hands, nose, or mouth. Do not spit in public.
- When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or bent elbow. Throw away the tissue immediately and clean your hands.
Doctor’s advice
- If you have any symptoms, avoid close contact with others.
- If you feel sick, even if you have mild symptoms such as headache or runny nose, stay at home and avoid the possibility of infecting your healthcare facility or other people.
- If you develop serious symptoms (fever, cough, dyspnea), contact your health care provider early and your local health authority in advance.
- Be aware of recent contact and travel details with others and provide them to authorities who can track and prevent the spread of the disease.
- Keep up to date COVID-19 Follow developments and their guidance issued by health authorities.
How to use a mask and gloves
- A healthy person should wear a mask only when caring for a sick person.
- Wear a mask if you cough or sneeze.
- Masks are effective when used in combination with frequent hand washing.
- Do not touch the mask while wearing it. Clean your hands if you touch the mask.
- Learn how to properly wear, remove, and dispose of masks. Clean your hands after discarding the mask.
- Do not reuse disposable masks.
- Regular bare hand washing is more effective against getting caught COVIDThan wearing rubber gloves-19.
- of COVID-19 virus is still picked up with rubber gloves and can be transmitted by touching your face.
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