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Can fruit and vegetable prescriptions instead of tablets prevent diet-related illnesses?

Can fruit and vegetable prescriptions instead of tablets prevent diet-related illnesses?



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The first extensive study to find out if prescribing a healthy diet leads to a better diet and healthier patients may have some truth in the saying, “One apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It suggests that it may not be possible.

Researchers at the George Institute for Global Health and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science Policy at Tufts University review 13 health food prescription programs that subsidize or offer health foods such as fruits and vegetables as a form of medical care. Did. They found that people not only ate more of these foods, but also saw improvements in weight and blood sugar levels. Dr. Jason Wu, director of nutrition science programs at the George Institute, said that prescribing healthy foods is particularly beneficial to people with restricted access to such foods and those with certain medical conditions. I said there is a possibility.

“In summary, we Regarding the health of patients in these programs, the way they provided healthier foods and measured their results was quite different, “he said.

“We have discovered the effects of healthy food formulas It was comparable to what you would expect from some commonly prescribed glucose-lowering drugs. This weighs on the growing evidence that food can also be a medicine. “

Poor diet is a major risk factor for chronic illness and is thought to be the cause of premature death in 1 in 5 people worldwide. Diet-related illnesses such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease are on the rise, increasing the burden on medical services. Dr. Saiuj Bhat, a clinician researcher involved in the review, said: Defined as a lack of access to nutritionally adequate foods — leads to a poor diet and a higher risk of cardiometabolic disorders.

“People experiencing food insecurity are out of control Because of the mental and financial burden, such as the high cost of medicine and other out-of-pocket health-related costs. “

About half of the people enrolled in the programs analyzed in the review experienced food insecurity, and three-quarters had certain pre-existing medical conditions such as overweight, obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

“Increasing the intake of healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables has even greater potential for improving the health of more vulnerable people,” Dr. Bart added.

Focus on the healthiest foods So far, we have been working on fruits and vegetables. Other foods such as nuts, beans, whole grains, and fish are also important for heart health, but the effects of prescribing these foods have not yet been studied. Overall, these findings provide promising evidence that healthy food prescribing programs can lead to improved dietary quality and health measurements, but they need to be used more widely. More research is needed to see if it is.

“Our review strongly supports the need for better-designed and well-managed clinical trials to test the actual health effects of food prescribing programs,” said Dr. Wu. Stated.

This led to the development of the first “Food Pharmacy” pilot study of 50 people. An unstable patient with poorly managed type 2 diabetes at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, who is prescribed a box of health foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, and whole grains weekly for three months. A family-owned company specializing in high-quality produce, courtesy of the local Harris Farm.

“Through this Establishes setup logistics and feasibility Assess the prescribing program for vulnerable patients in Australia and the overall dietary impact of participants. Our study is still in its infancy, but the initial response seems to be very positive from both doctors and patients, “says Dr. Wu.

Voucher programs facilitate a healthy diet for people with food insecurity

For more information:
Saiuj Bhat et al. Health food prescribing program and its impact on dietary behavior and cardiometabolic risk factors: systematic review and meta-analysis, Advances in nutrition (2021). DOI: 10.1093 / Advances / nmab039

Quote: Can fruit and vegetable prescriptions instead of tablets prevent diet-related illnesses? (May 18, 2021) May 18, 2021 Obtained from

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