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Cuomo’s wacky new rules for kids in summer camps ignore “science” again

Cuomo’s wacky new rules for kids in summer camps ignore “science” again
Cuomo’s wacky new rules for kids in summer camps ignore “science” again


A year of minimal school education, limited or no time with friends, significant reductions or cancellations in activities and sports, but the children in the city could not suffer enough If Governor Andrew Cuomo has some new ideas on how to make the coming summer terrible, even for them.

On Wednesday, the government announced new guidelines for children participating in this summer’s “Child Care, Day Camp or Overnight Camp Program.” As expected, the rules are of little use. And cruel.

To get started, the guidelines are stricter than those imposed Final Summer, the peak of the pandemic. At that time, children in New York did not have to wear masks in summer camps, despite great vigilance after a pandemic outbreak and a sudden surge in hospitalizations and deaths. This summer Three vaccines are spreading rapidly With a dramatic drop in population and COVID cases and infection rates, the Ministry of Health has reversed the course. Tightening Mask the rules in the camp and force the children to wear them in most activities.

That’s meaningless. It has been repeatedly shown that children are not important spreaders of the virus. When they sign it, they rarely show serious symptoms. For sensational headlines about children sent to hospitals with bugs, two recent studies found that pediatric admissions for COVID-19 were overestimated by at least 40%.

That’s not the only madness. This month, Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “We’ve always said that the risk of being outdoors is very low.” Of course, he didn’t say that all the time. But most people know it now. So why do we create and follow policies that go against what we know?

The guidance is also basically inconsistent. “The responsible person should ensure that children / campers over the age of 2 and fully unvaccinated staff wear face covers except for eating, drinking, showering, swimming, sleeping / resting.”

Think about it: Sleeping camp kids get maskless when sharing a bunk bed indoors, Outdoors with exactly the same children Again, according to Fauci, the risk is “very low.” A 3-year-old child takes a nap without wearing a mask, sleeping in the room with a friend, and simply putting the mask back on when outside.

It’s a silly policy because only anonymous bureaucrats can come up with it.

“We’re making incredible progress on COVID, lifting restrictions based on science and numbers, but not yet complete,” Cuomo released ridiculous camp guidelines. Did.

Okay, let’s take a look he Wear a mask and keep it in the heat outside for 8 hours during the summer. Play dodgeball in it. Do a relay race. Wear it after you get out of the pool.

Maybe even better is to have one of his daughters do it all. OK, she’s vaccinated, so she doesn’t need a mask. However, children did not need to take any special precautions, even if they were not jabed, at least in most outdoor activities.Children under 12 years old, mainly in Europe never I wore a mask, even while I was at school.

But here we mask a 2-year-old child inside and outside. It probably brought them a net disadvantage, and now we are exacerbating the harm with scientifically meaningless policies.

Masking a child sends a ridiculous message. We reject science. We know that outdoor infections are rare, children rarely get infected with COVID, get infected, or react badly, and the domestic positive rate is very low, We do not make decisions based on that information.

Parents who spend a year sitting on the sidelines while they are forced into harmful and stupid policies should finally speak out for their children. Take your “We believe in science in this house” sign and prove it.

Tell the governor and his ministry of health to develop guidelines that make sense and rely on science rather than bureaucratic whims. Tell them to do it now, and don’t spare the kids the summer of mask hell.

Twitter: @Karol


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