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CDC warns backyard chicken-related salmonella outbreaks in 43 states

CDC warns backyard chicken-related salmonella outbreaks in 43 states


An outbreak of multi-state Salmonella has been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warning backyard poultry owners that it may be related.

Thursday, May 20th, CDC notification Avoid kissing or snuggling up to the poultry in the backyard, and keep it open to the public not to eat or drink around the poultry as Salmonella can spread to the mouth and cause illness.

 CDC warns backyard chicken-related salmonella outbreaks in 43 states

(Photo: PIXTA)
CDC warns backyard chicken-related salmonella outbreaks in 43 states

Outbreak of multi-state Salmonella

USA Today The notice reported that 163 people in 43 states would be issued after having Salmonella infection. Fortunately, no deaths have been reported, but the Health Organization said one-third of the confirmed cases were children under the age of five.

In this regard, the CDC emphasized the importance of ensuring that children always wash their hands properly around poultry. It also warns children under the age of five not to touch chickens, ducklings, or other backyard poultry.

In 2020, backyard poultry was also found to be a major cause of the outbreak of Salmonella, which infected 1,722 people nationwide, including 333 hospitalizations and one death.

Health agencies wrote in December that the number of cases of Salmonella infection reported in 2020 was higher than reported in the last few years and was associated with backyard poultry.

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Symptoms of Salmonella infection

Salmonella infection or Salmonellosis It is a common bacterial disease that infects the intestines of animals and humans and is excreted from the faeces. Humans are usually infected by contaminated water and food.

by Mayo Clinic, Salmonella infections are usually asymptomatic, but some people experience diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps within 72 hours of infection. Healthy people usually recover within a few days without special treatment.

Diarrhea associated with Salmonella infection may cause too much dehydration and require immediate medical attention. Bacterial-induced life-threatening complications can also occur beyond the intestinal tract.

In addition, Salmonella infections can also be obtained by eating raw or undercooked eggs, chicken, meat, and egg products. Possible signs and symptoms of Salmonella infection include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, chills, headache, and blood in the stool.

Symptoms can generally last up to 2-7 days, but diarrhea can last up to 10 days and can take months for the intestines to return to normal.

What should backyard poultry owners do?

The· CDC Backyard poultry owners should always be careful to wash their hands with soap and water immediately after handling poultry, eggs, or objects in or near their area of ​​residence. Hand sanitizers can be used if soap and water are not available.

Do not kiss or snuggle while caring for chickens and other poultry in the backyard. Also, do not eat or drink around poultry as bacteria can invade your mouth and cause illness.

Also, supervise the children around the herd and make sure they wash their hands later. Also, collect eggs as regularly as possible and handle them safely. Also, the broken shell may have already been invaded by bacteria, so discard the broken egg.

Finally, keep the eggs refrigerated and fresh to ensure that the chicken and eggs are cooked properly. The internal heat required to reliably kill all bacteria is 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

Related article: Outbreaks of salmonella associated with songbirds have affected 19 people in eight states

Check out more news and information about Salmonella Science Times.


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