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Healthcare workers must wear reusable elastomeric masks


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Dr. Eldad Inaf

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages, the guidelines are upset to adapt. Only a few weeks ago, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health celebrities Don’t wear a face mask. Currently, many supermarkets across the country cannot enter unless the face is covered.

As a cardiologist at a hospital in Northern New York, I followed guidelines for storing and reusing disposable masks in the absence of personal protective equipment (PPE). We were hoping that the shortage of face masks would now be resolved by federal, state, and private initiatives. But the reality is tough, global demand straining the supply chain, leaving many of us vulnerable.

However, there are solutions, and ones that are not often considered: reusable items such as elastomeric respirators.

Overlooked elastomer

You’ve probably seen an industrial worker wearing a reusable elastomeric mask. These masks have a close-fitting face piece that is secured by straps. According to CDCWith protection equal to or better than disposable N95 masks, it can last for years and withstand repeated cleaning. The filters on these masks are replaceable cartridges that will last for a long time.

Disposable surgical mask

The CDC willElastomer overlooked“Many healthcare professionals have never heard of it, so it’s rarely used in medicine. The supply of disposable masks is convenient for everyday use, but unsustainable when they occur.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the need for masks during a pandemic can be staggering 3.5 billion N95 masks per year. In early March, the United States slightly exceeded 1% of its requirement for strategic national reserves. Worse, the supply chain for disposable masks, primarily manufactured in Asia, was severely disrupted during the pandemic. The dire need is a bid war Price lifting.

Disposable N95 mask

Concerned about supply shortages during the H1N1 pandemic, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) considered the use of reusable ventilators in medicine for both daily and emergency use. In 2017, Dr. Luis Radonovich, NIOSH’s principal investigators concluded, that these ventilators are viable options for respiratory protection in healthcare settings. In 2018, the National Academy of Sciences further evaluated reusable elastomeric ventilators, Book, An overview of evidence-based considerations for use in healthcare environments.

Reusable elastomer respirator

The publication said, “The durability and reusability of elastomer respirators make them desirable for emergency stockpiling.” But HHS Budget constraints and priorities, Did not include them in the national stockpile, a decision was made Criticized Former CDC director Tom Frieden, MD.

While there is currently a demand for guidance, CDCStrategies for optimizing PPE and equipment supplyIs mainly focused on how to save and reuse disposable masks and respirators. A section on Elastomer Respirators was added on April 20th.

The medical community is slow to pay attention to reusable items. Ah Recent reviews Of protective clothing published in New England Medical Journal, It does not mention reusable items.

Reusable masks are not without their drawbacks. They are cumbersome, interfere with conversation and vision, and require disinfection and storage between shifts. As an advantage, they protect against respiratory virus transmission and Cost-effective.

A few institutions that have adopted reusable ones are encouraging An example. The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) has overcome the country’s shortfall with reusable stockpiles launched in response to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.

So why did more institutions not follow? Despite the knowledge that reusable is a viable option. ”Cognitive myopiaOr, as-is bias can overshadow the decision-making process. Like the wider society, “disposable” has become a convenient standard in medicine.

The dangerously short supply of disposable masks and masks in COVID-19 requires overcoming these biases and initiating the use of reusable masks in accordance with recent CDC guidelines. If too late for the current wave of infection, it can help in subsequent waves and the next outbreak. A matter of time.

Eldad Einav, MD is a New York City cardiologist. He also cooks Mediterranean food and enjoys socializing with his son. You can follow him on Twitter. @eeinav

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