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Yoga does not prevent infection


Coronavirus. “data-reactid =” 32 “> Experts have almost rejected papers suggesting that yoga can be protected Coronavirus.

India’s Poulephne University team claims Existing measures to combat outbreaks are “insufficient”. “data-reactid =” 33 “>India’s Poulephne University team claims Existing measures to combat outbreaks are “insufficient”.

They felt that the “therapeutic potential of traditional and complementary medical systems such as Ayurveda and yoga” was “not really considered during this crisis”.

The team, writing in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, sought to “emphasize” how non-traditional approaches could prevent coronaviruses and help treat the respiratory disease COVID-19.

Experts call the paper “fuzzy”, “unfounded”, “not particularly scientific”.

BERLIN, GERMANY-MAY 1: Members of the IG Metall trade union speak to a plastic-wrapped megaphone at a Mayday demonstration at Potsdamer Platz during the new Coronavirus crisis of May 1, 2020. I am wearing a protective mask. Berlin, Germany. Today, there are Mayday protests across Germany, but due to coronavirus blockade measures, meetings are limited to a maximum of 20 people per assembly, so many small marches instead of the traditional large march. Large-scale protests are taking place. (Photo: Sean Gallup / Getty Images)

Members of a trade union are wearing masks at a demonstration in Berlin. (Getty Images)

Coconut oil “may prevent pathogens from entering” paper claims

The coronavirus is believed to have emerged at the seafood and live animal market in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province of China at the end of 2019.

Anyone can catch the infection, but older people and those who are already ill are at increased risk of complications.

Only a relatively small number of people around the world who are exposed to the virus are considered to be immune to the virus.

Live: Follow all the latest updates in the UK and around the world“data-reactid =” 53 “>Live: Follow all the latest updates in the UK and around the world

Fact Checker: Number of COVID-19 cases in the local area“data-reactid =” 54 “>Fact Checker: Number of COVID-19 cases in the local area

Description: Symptoms, latest advice, flu comparison“data-reactid =” 55 “>Description: Symptoms, latest advice, flu comparison

The Phule Pune team argued that preventive measures focus only on how to fight the virus or develop immunity, in this case ignoring the “host”.

They defend Ayurveda-an ancient belief that wellness depends on a delicate balance between mind, body and spirit.

The team can write the building of immunity with “strength of mind” to help people deal with “stress factors including infections”.

“Physiological masks” and “therapeutic cleansing procedures” will probably also protect people from viruses.

The Ayurvedic document is said to recommend “applying medicinal oils made from butter oil (ghee) and vegetable oils such as sesame and coconut to the nostrils”.

“This may protect the respiratory tract from invading pathogens.”

PARIS, FRANCE-MAY 1: Customer orders after ordering online for Labor Day celebrations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on May 1, 2020, La Celle Saint Cloud, France. See where I got the Lily of Valley. The pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread to many countries around the world, killing more than 233,000 people and infecting more than 3,262 million people. (Photo by Aurelien Meunier / Getty Images)

A customer in Yvelines, France receives the delivery. (Getty Images)

Yoga “never prevents coronaviruses”

Experts largely rejected the Phule Pune team’s claims.

“The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has a history of publishing papers of questionable quality and making groundless claims,” ​​Dr David Head of the University of Southampton told Yahoo UK.

“The authors conclude that yoga, including meditation, may be a simple and useful home-based practice for the prevention and post-recovery management of COVID-19.”

“There is no evidence to support this statement.”

People who suffer from coronavirus complications are more likely to develop pneumonia.

It occurs when a respiratory infection spreads to the alveoli (sac) of the lung.

The air sacs become inflamed and filled with fluid or pus.

When the lungs have a hard time breathing air, oxygen levels in the blood drop and carbon dioxide accumulates.

Dr. Head argued that the quote the team included in their papers “don’t conclude that viral pneumonia can be prevented with yoga.”

“Yoga helps with relaxation and stress, but it doesn’t prevent COVID-19,” he said.

“It is important to always refer to mainstream public health advice and practitioners.”

This opinion was echoed by another expert.

Dr. Kao Rowland of the University of Edinburgh told Yahoo UK that the paper “is not particularly scientific”.

“There is no real evidence to support the assertion of the work,” he added.

However, not all experts have rejected papers they do not have.

“For all new therapies and therapies, it’s important to see evidence behind recommendations for their use,” said Professor David Hayman of the University of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London.

“If there is an evidence base that suggests they are valid, they should be considered for use.

“This applies to all medicines and therapeutic approaches.”

NHS claims there is “proof” that regular yoga can help Relieves depression and stress. “data-reactid =” 98 “>NHS claims there is “proof” that regular yoga can help Relieves depression and stress.

Scientists have previously expressed concern that a pandemic could have “deep” and “wide-range” effects About people’s mental health. Data-reactid = “99”>Scientists have previously expressed concern that a pandemic could have “deep” and “wide-range” effects About the mental health of people

World Health Organization rejected myths like adding pepper to soup Or you can prevent the coronavirus in the bath. “data-reactid =” 100 “> In most cases, World Health Organization rejected myths like adding pepper to soup Or a hot bath can prevent the coronavirus.

Marine Rupend Deputy of the French Far Right Party, Rassemblement National (RN), arrived on May 1, 2020, on the 46th day of the strict blockade in France, to give a wreath to the statue of Jeanne d'arc in Paris, COVID Stopped spreading-19 (new coronavirus). (Photo: Alain JOCARD / AFP) (Photo: ALAIN JOCARD / AFP via Getty Images)

Politician Marine Lupen has arrived to wreath a statue of Jeanne d’Arc in Paris. (Getty Images)

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is one of seven strains of the virus class known to infect humans.

Others cause everything from a cold to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars), which killed 774 during the 2002/3 outbreak.

According to Johns Hopkins University. “data-reactid =” 115 “> Since the outbreak was confirmed, more than 3.2 million cases have been confirmed worldwide. According to Johns Hopkins University.

Of these cases, more than one million are known to have “recovered”.

Worldwide, the death toll exceeds 233,700.

Coronaviruses mainly spread face-to-face through infected droplets expelled by coughing and sneezing.

Infected with feces And can Survive on the surface. “data-reactid =” 119 “> There is also evidence that it is Infected with feces And can Survive on the surface.

There is no “set” treatment for coronaviruses, and most patients will naturally fight off the infection.

People in need of hospitalization receive “supportive care” such as ventilation while the immune system becomes functional.

wash hands Regular and maintenance Avoid crowds. “data-reactid =” 122 “> Authorities are urging people to avoid infections wash hands Regular and maintenance Avoid crowds.

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