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Coronavirus variant name game has become a little easier

Coronavirus variant name game has become a little easier


Do Are you having trouble keeping the names of the Covid-19 variants straight and struggling to distinguish B.1.1.7 from B.1.351 or B.1.617.2?

The World Health Organization wants to help. On Monday, it announced a new naming system devised for so-called mutants of interest and mutants of interest, the form of SARS-CoV-2 virus with significant mutations.

Each variant is named from Greek alphabetFor both the purpose of simplifying public debate and removing some of the stigma from the emergence of new variants. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s coronavirus leader, told STAT that she had discovered a new variant if she knew that a new version of the virus would be identified as Rho or Sigma instead of the country name. You may be willing to. interview.


In the new scheme, the first variant identified in the UK, B.1.1.7, is called alpha, and the first variant discovered in South Africa, B.1.351, is called beta. The first variant detected in Brazil, P.1, is gamma, and B.1.671.2, the so-called Indian variant, is delta.

When the 24 Greek letters are exhausted, another such series will be announced, Wankelhof said.


Plans to simplify the nomenclature of variants have been underway for several months, led by the WHO Virus Evolution Working Group. But it’s surprisingly difficult to come up with an acceptable system, Van Kerhove said.

The original plan was to create a lot of non-verbal two-syllable names — Portmanteau, WHO’s Frank Cornings, who heads the working group. However, it soon became clear that in reality there were too many claims already made. There were names of companies and places, and there were names of families. Combining 3 syllables did not solve the problem, and 4 syllables became awkward.

For some time, the group considered the names of Greek gods and goddesses, which were eventually denied. The idea of ​​numbering 1, 2, 3, etc. was considered, but rejected because it was thought that it could be confused with the name given to the virus in the gene sequence database that tracks the evolution of SARS-2. it was done.

“We’re not saying that we’re replacing B.1.1.7, we’re really just trying to help some of the dialogue with the average person,” Vankelhove explained. “This allowed us to publicly discuss some of these variants in a more user-friendly language.”

The Greek letter proposal elicited the approval of experts convened by WHO to devise a naming system. Some of them are members of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. The group is responsible for naming the new virus — SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. But it has not nominated a variant of the virus, which is why it fell to WHO.

“I’ve heard that it’s sometimes very difficult to reach an agreement on nomenclature. This was a relatively simple discussion until everyone agreed,” Corning said.

WHO maintain List of variants With their new name on that website.

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