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Call for quick tracking of Pfizer in Victoria after “amazing” demand

Call for quick tracking of Pfizer in Victoria after “amazing” demand


The Victorian government said any federal proposal for stockpiling was false.

A state government spokesman said Victoria’s vaccination rates were up to 140,000 times a week: “Maintaining a fixed dose to ensure that all Victorians receive a second dose. need to do it”

A man brought an office chair to wait for a coronavirus vaccine turn at the Melbourne Showground on Thursday

A man brought an office chair to wait for a coronavirus vaccine turn at the Melbourne Showground on Thursdaycredit:Paul Oak

Victoria receives 110,000 weekly doses from the federal government, about 30,000 less than the current dose.

AMA President of Victoria, Roderick McRae, supported Professor Cheng, with state and federal governments requesting redirection of supply from other states and abroad as needed, including Pfizer in Victoria. He said he must do everything he can to ensure a sufficient supply to.

“If other states send supplies to help Victoria conquer this state, it would be an investment by other states,” said Dr. McRae. “Current epidemic in Victoria. Is suppressed, which is beneficial to everyone in Australia. “

The current outbreak of coronavirus in Victoria caused a sharp increase in vaccine demand, with three more cases increasing to a total of 63 on Thursday. More than 50,000 vaccines were given in Victoria on Wednesday.

Some people in Victoria who are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine continue to report that it is difficult to make an appointment at a state-owned vaccination center.

State government Expansion of eligibility criteria last week, Opened a vaccination center to give people between the ages of 40 and 49 access to the Pfizer vaccine, leaving a long line at the hub.


Dr. McRae also said that AMA also wants GP to have maximum control over both AstraZeneca and Pfizer. Currently, GP Clinic is receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“GPs can deliver Pfizer and need to be supplied,” said Dr. McRae.

“The logistics demand for two doses of two vaccines has been so great that it is time to provide the additional support needed for the GP.”

On Thursday, Mukesh Haikerwal’s clinic in Altona North became the first general clinic to begin injections of Pfizer in Victoria.

Pfizer Hub staff gave 120 doses to patients under the age of 50 on Thursday. Many have underlying illnesses and have been on the vaccine waiting list for several months.

Another 120 batches are stored in the on-site refrigerator so that all patients who receive the first dose can receive a second jab within the recommended 21 days.

GP Mukesh Haikerwal administers Pfizer to Amanda Ashton.

GP Mukesh Haikerwal administers Pfizer to Amanda Jim

“We need to get more vaccines in Victoria,” said Dr Haikerwal, former AMA National President. “To contain this epidemic, we need as much of the refrigerator as possible.”

Nathan Pinskier, who runs six clinics in Melbourne, said the epidemic has created an “unprecedented and extraordinary demand for vaccines.”

He wanted to make an emergency call to the Victorian Health Department to double the supply of AstraZeneca vaccine from 1400 to 2800 times a week and secure Pfizer injections in the clinic as soon as possible.

“We had 2000 vaccinations last week and the booking system was completely overwhelmed so we could easily get 4000 vaccinations,” he said.

Dr. Pinskier was afraid that healthcare professionals would need to take hundreds of thousands more doses within two weeks, so the patient would receive a second dose to be completely protected from the virus.

“We need to take an additional 800,000 shots within our own group of Victorian GPs, and we also need a significant number of secondarys across Australia,” he said.


“In addition to the current growing demand for the first injection of the vaccine in Victoria, we need at least that amount.”

Dr. Karen Price, president of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, said the challenge for doctors is to get as many people as possible vaccinated in the first vaccination, while ensuring sufficient doses for the second vaccination. He said it was to balance with.

“This is a real dilemma, and each clinic must overcome that challenge in ensuring that it is sufficient for the second dose 12 weeks after the first dose,” Price said. The doctor said.

Dr. Price said he wanted to make Pfizer widely available in general practice, but the pace of deployment was determined by supply constraints.

Clinics that had already blocked large doses of vaccines had space and resources, so if Pfizer’s supply was secured, they would likely be prioritized, she said.

“The government is well aware that general practitioners have done a great job of administering vaccines,” said Dr. Price.

“They also distribute Pfizer equipment first to the GP Respiratory Clinic, which will then become available in more general clinics when supplied from abroad.”

In Australia, Pfizer vaccines are given approximately 350,000 times a week, decreasing to 300,000 in June and increasing to 600,000 weekly in July, August and September.

Australia’s chief medical officer, Professor Paul Kelly, said last week that about 70,000 doses of Pfizer will be delivered to Victoria this week.


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