How to Fight Brain Fog with Food: Tips from a Psychiatrist
Forgetfulness Has emerged as one of the most frustrating effects of.Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), ”Weeks and months after the first symptoms of coronavirus have passed.
Patients often report Difficult to think and concentrateThey are overwhelmed when they are confused, tired, have memory problems, or try to do tasks or household chores that were easy before they were diagnosed.
“It’s very annoying because people feel they can’t keep up,” said Dr. Uma Naidou, director of nutrition and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
In the last six months, cases of brain fog have been “much more prevalent” in her practice, she said. However, Naido writes in his book that this problem can occur to anyone, even in the absence of an underlying condition.This is your brain for food“
As a prescribing psychiatrist, nutritionist, and trained chef, she advises patients on how to change themselves. Diet to improve mental healthIncludes relief of brain fog. This works because the gut and brain are uniquely connected and the vagus nerves are connected, and the vagus nerves transmit signals between them, Naido said.
When food interacts with the gut during the digestive process, it affects the gut’s brain connections.
For example, eating fast food and other pro-inflammatory options can feed on the “bad microbes” of the microbiome, making them more prone to inflammation, which can affect a person’s way of thinking and feeling. There is. She was careful.
“What we want people with long-standing coronavirus infections and fog in their brains to feel is to adjust their diet and nutrition to see if it works,” Naido advises. Did.
“There is certainly hope … to plan, take steps slowly and steadily, and make it part of your daily lifestyle so that you can eat better and healthier foods.”
Consider the following options:
Foods rich in luteolin:
Includes fresh peppermint, sage, thyme, peppers, peppers, cichorium, celery seeds, parsley and artichokes. Mexican dried oregano, which is a bit different from regular oregano, is one of the best sauces.
Studies have shown that flavonoids, antioxidants, and the anti-inflammatory agent luteolin have many properties that reduce brain fog.
This means eating a lot of the omega 3 fatty acids found in plant-based sources such as fruits, vegetables, fish and flax. Nuts and olive oil also play a role. Colorful vegetables are especially good because they contain powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients, antioxidants and polyphenols.
“Inflammation is considered the basis of many mental health conditions these days, where food is also important,” said Naido.
Vitamin C and folic acid:
Both have been found to be deficient in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, so she asks patients with brain fog to include them in their diet. Citrus fruits, kiwifruit and red peppers are rich in vitamin C. Folic acid is found in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, salad greens and kale.
Provides good bacteria to help digestion. Choose fermented foods that incorporate a living culture, such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and unsweetened plain yogurt.
Studies have shown that moderate coffee intake (1-2 cups of small or medium coffee per day) helps to avoid some brain fog. Coffee is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. She added that green tea also helps with concentration and clarity.
Consider making a “brain fog-fighting plate” for each meal.
Try to combine several of these options with each meal, rather than focusing on one food. Enjoy a lush green salad with plenty of colorful vegetables and a salad dressing of parsley and thyme, or lemon and fresh peppermint. Enjoy salmon squeezed with lemon juice. Kiwifruit snack.
The goal is to think of it as a consistent and comprehensive plan to carry out daily. Naido advised that if he made an unhealthy choice on a particular day, he would self-correct with the next meal. He added that people usually feel better within two weeks to a month of starting a consistent plan. It was.
Beware of gluten and alcohol.
Naidoo is reasonably a fan of everything and didn’t want to villainize the ingredients that most people consume.That said, she encouraged people to experiment with how gluten and alcohol affect brain fog. gluten, It could be limiting rather than giving up altogether. The sauce makes a difference, Naido said. Eating sliced bread that is highly processed and filled with preservatives in supermarkets can have a different effect than freshly baked sourdough bread in a local bakery.
If a glass of wine worsens the fog in the brain, it is worth letting it dry for a week or so to see how it changes.
In conclusion, “diet is very effective,” said Naido. “But it’s not one thing, it’s not quick and immediate.”
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