Studies show that people who get up early naturally are more likely to avoid depression
A new study found that people whose sleep patterns violate their natural body clock are more likely to be depressed and less happy.
A team of genetic scientists at the University of Exeter also released the strongest evidence to date that those who are genetically programmed to get up early are more protected against major depression.
This study, published in Molecular Psychiatry, suggests that the good results of those who get up early may be partly due to the 9-5 working styles of society.
Irish experts in sleep psychology said people are beginning to realize the benefits of regular sleep.
Professor Gary Donoho of the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) describes the changes in work habits brought about by the pandemic and the difficulties that hospitality employers have shown in bringing people back to non-sociable shifts. I pointed out.
“For me as a clinician, not only because time is unsociable, but also because it’s difficult to establish a sleep routine … It can really disrupt my ability to sleep for eight hours.” He said.
8 hours
“From a clinical point of view, what we absolutely know is that getting eight hours of sleep is one of the best projections of physical and mental health. It’s just as important. “
Professor Donoho states that adult sleep patterns tend to get up early with age. He said teens and young adults have difficulty getting up in the morning.
“Anyway, the problem with the European environment is that schools often start between 8 and 9 in the morning,” he said. He added that such an early start would have a greater impact on younger growing people than those in their 30s and 50s who have been studying their daily routines for decades.
Professor Donohoe, founding director of NUIG’s Cognitive Genomics Research Center, said that those who have been able to work from home for the past year have been able to get enough sleep, usually during the time reserved for commuting. It states that it may have been.
mental health
“If you have the opportunity to adjust to your body clock, you can maximize your chances of getting eight hours of sleep. Trying to fit a square peg in a round hole isn’t always right for you. There are times when you have to be there during that time, “he added.
Exeter’s research group used data on more than 450,000 European adults in the UK’s large biomedical database to find that 351 genes associated with early wake up have seven mental health and seven mental health disorders, including major depression. We investigated whether there was a causal relationship with the outcome of happiness. In addition to the genetic information, participants completed a questionnaire to determine if they were morning or night humans.
Overall, scientists have found that morning-type people, or those who get up early, are more likely to adjust to their natural body clock.
When this theory was tested on shift workers, the team found that being a morning person did not always prevent depression. Early birds may not have increased protection against mental health problems when working shifts, but the report states that this theory was not conclusive.
Dr. Jessica Tyrell, senior author at the University of Exeter, said:
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