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AHA statement addresses cardiovascular health in pregnant women


In its efforts to improve the reach of maternal care throughout the United States, the latest scientific statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) is: Cardiovascular considerations When taking care Pregnant patient.

Statement published in circulationDetailed guidance and recommendations on cardiovascular treatment for women before, during, and during pregnancy.

“Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths, perhaps because women are older, have babies, and are more likely to have pre-existing heart disease and risk factors for heart disease, perhaps an increasing number. Group writing group Laxmi Mehta, MD Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Statement, and Professor of Medicine, Director of Preventive Cardiology and Women’s Cardiovascular Health In the statement.

A 22-page document, written by Mehta and a group of nine colleagues, includes the AHA Clinical Cardiology Council, the Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Council, the Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Council, and It represents the outcome of the Stroke Council. In an effort to guide clinicians, the statement outlines the effects of pregnancy on women’s overall and cardiovascular health, as well as recommendations on how to care for women in various conditions.

An early highlight of this document is the section on physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, and how it affects the body’s interactions with certain drug classes, such as antihypertensives and antithrombotics. included. This document also highlights the need for counseling during pregnancy and a multidisciplinary care team to reduce the potential maternal cardiovascular and obstetric and fetal risks during pregnancy.

This statement also includes recommendations for care when a patient suffers from various cardiovascular disorders during pregnancy. Notable conditions included in this document are hypercholesterolemia, ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, valvular heart disease, and aortic disease. This document also refers to the care of patients suffering from deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and cerebrovascular disease.

“For each of these heart conditions, pregnancy can impact treatment. Given the potential fetal risk, there are limits to medication control and invasive procedures. explained.

It also focuses on lifestyle changes, birth timing, and post-natal follow-up.

Scientific statements are the basis for the prevention of almost all cardiovascular diseases and review data suggesting that exercise and a proper diet may benefit maternal health.

“The role of a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy-whether a woman has cardiovascular disease-can’t be stressed enough,” Mehta said.

Regarding birth timing, the author emphasizes the importance of consulting with patients to understand the risks and potential benefits associated with birth timing and different modes. For postpartum follow-up, the authors emphasized the need for controversial contraceptives before discharge and identified which patients should receive follow-up for the fourth trimester.

This scientific statement,Cardiovascular considerations in the care of pregnant patientsIs circulation.


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