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Two Covid vaccines for young children have shown good responses in early trials: Study


Scientists have shown that the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine and protein-based prophylaxis are safe, with good antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus baby trials. Shown.

A study published in the journal Science Immunology on Tuesday suggests that vaccines for infants are likely to be important and safe tools for reducing pandemics.

“Safe and effective vaccines for young children can infect others with the virus, whether they get sick from SARS-CoV-2 infection or remain asymptomatic. Knowing that will help limit the spread of COVID-19, “said Sally Palmer of New York. -Presbyterian Komanski Children’s Hospital, USA.

“In addition, many children can get sick and even die from infection, and even more are adversely affected by the measures taken to control the spread. Therefore, infants deserve protection from COVID. “I will,” Palmer said.

The strong neutralizing antibody response induced by the vaccine in 16 rhesus monkeys lasted for 22 weeks.

Researchers are conducting a challenging study this year to better understand the potential long-term protection of vaccines.

“The levels of potent antibodies we observed were comparable to those found in adult macaques, even though they were 30 micrograms instead of 100 micrograms in adults,” said the University of North Carolina at Chariots. Professor Christina de Paris said.

“With the Moderna vaccine, we also observed certain strong T cell responses, which we know are important for limiting the severity of the disease,” said De Paris.

The researchers immunized two groups of eight rhesus monkeys, 2.2 months and 4 weeks old.

Each animal received either a preclinical version of the Moderna mRNA vaccine or a protein-based vaccine developed by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

The mRNA vaccine directs the body to produce the spike protein, which is the surface protein of the virus.

Vaccines instruct cells to make spike proteins that the virus uses to infect and invade human cells.

Human immune cells recognize proteins and develop antibodies and other immune responses.

The NIAID vaccine is the actual spike protein that the immune system recognizes in the same way.

Researchers said both vaccines elicited large amounts of IgG-neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and spiked protein-specific T cell responses.

The vaccine did not elicit a T-helper type 2 response, which could adversely affect the efficacy and safety of the infant vaccine, they said.

Researchers said the T-helper 2 response is hampering vaccine development in young children because such reactions can counteract the immune response to the virus.

“We reviewed evidence of T-helper 2 responses in plasma of all macaques, such as IL4, and confirmed that neither vaccine produced such a response,” said De Paris.

“We need to continue studying this, but so far we haven’t seen any evidence of this,” she added.

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text.

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