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The United States will announce sanctions against Russia on Tuesday in coordination with its allies

The United States will announce sanctions against Russia on Tuesday in coordination with its allies


WASHINGTON/UNITED NATIONS, Feb 21 (Reuters) – The United States is coordinating with allies and will announce new sanctions against Russia on Tuesday after Moscow recognized two breakaway regions of Ukraine as independent and sent troops there. peacekeeping,” U.S. officials said Monday. .

“Tomorrow, the United States will impose sanctions on Russia for this flagrant violation of international law and of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said. , to reporters after a meeting of the UN Security Council on Monday evening.

“We can, want and must remain united in our calls for Russia to withdraw its forces, return to the diplomatic table and work for peace.”

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Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday recognized two breakaway regions of Ukraine as independent and asked the Russian Defense Ministry to deploy troops to the two regions to “maintain peace”, which has increased tensions with the West about Ukraine.

Biden administration officials said Putin’s decision did not trigger a broad set of sanctions the United States and its allies were working on if Russia invaded Ukraine, because Russia already had troops in place. the region.

Instead, the White House announced separate, less severe and more targeted sanctions in response.

President Joe Biden issued an executive order that White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said would “prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or within the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine. “, referring to the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield speaks at the UN Security Council meeting after Russia recognized two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine in as independent entities, in New York, U.S. February 21, 2022. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

PSAKI said additional measures would come on Tuesday. These, according to another spokesman for the White House, would be directed against Russia.

Reuters could not determine what sanctions or export controls might be announced on Tuesday, but the Biden administration has prepared an initial set of sanctions against Russia that includes banning U.S. financial institutions from processing transactions for major Russian banks, people familiar with the matter said. weekend. Read more

The measures are aimed at harming the Russian economy by severing “correspondent” banking relationships between targeted Russian banks and US banks that enable international payments.

The US will also use its strongest sanction tool against certain Russian individuals and companies by placing them on the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list, effectively expelling them from the US banking system, banning their trade with Americans and freezing their American assets. , said the same sources.

The Biden administration plans to spare ordinary Russians the brunt of U.S. export controls if Russia invades Ukraine, and to focus on targeting industrial sectors, a White House official said in late January. Yet “key people” will also face “massive sanctions,” White House national security chief Peter Harrell said in a speech in Massachusetts. Read more

Export control measures could also be announced as part of the package but would likely not have the same immediate impacts, and instead would “degrade Russia’s ability to have industrial production in a few key sectors”.

Harrell did not detail the sectors, but other White House officials mentioned aviation, navy, robotics, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and defense.

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Reporting by Jeff Mason; additional reporting by Alexandra Alper and Chris Saunders; Editing by Kim Coghill and Lincoln Feast.

Our standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.




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