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Ukraine Latest News: Putin Calls for More Crimean Bridge Security as Advisor Zelenskyy Calls Explosion ‘Start’ | world news

Ukraine Latest News: Putin Calls for More Crimean Bridge Security as Advisor Zelenskyy Calls Explosion ‘Start’ |  world news


The most interesting comments and analyzes of the week: a coup, the collapse of Russia, and why we shouldn’t be afraid of a nuclear attack

Here we have compiled some of the most interesting views and analyzes of the conflict this week.

Could a coup happen?

In an article for Foreign Affairs, Russian-born historian Sergey Radchenko discusses the possibility of a coup and what could happen after Putin…

“Even if Putin’s representatives conclude that they want to oust Putin, it will be difficult to remove him from power. Moscow has not experienced a successful or unsuccessful coup attempt since the fall of the Soviet Union.

“Successors can stop the actions of their predecessors if it is convenient for them. This means that Putin’s eventual replacement will not have to be invested in his neo-imperialist agenda.

“If Putin is actually ousted, his successors will blame Ukraine for his decision and will try to start clean.”

Are Russian troops falling in Ukraine?

Ed Arnold, a researcher at the Royal United Services Institute, said the Ukrainian counterattack now “shows that the West can reclaim territory and uses the weapons systems provided for it” as a “major political “Goal achieved,” he said.

“Now they are moving for more military goals. First, to liberate as many towns and cities as possible before winter comes.

“But it could also make the Russians even worse by ensuring that all territories held by Russia are within range of long-range weapons systems.”

On Wednesday, he said Ukrainians had liberated eight villages around Kherson in the south in the last “24-48 hours.”

“In fact, the Russian front is starting to collapse,” he said.

“If the army falls like this, we need a very good commander to rally the army. The Russians don’t have that capability at the moment.”

Will a more negative tone in the Russian press help Putin?

Sky News’ Moscow correspondent Diana Magney…

“Experts on state TV are concerned about the serious situation. Will this speed up and open up a Pandora’s box of criticism that is out of control, sparks slow clarification, and the Kremlin?”

“But it may serve Vladimir Putin’s purposes, intentionally or not. If you take Putin’s nuclear bluff seriously and it would be foolish to not do so, given Russia’s capabilities, then Putin should give the people an example. Options are justified at some point.

“He and his propagandists are touting this as an existential battle against the military power of the collective West to destroy and dismantle Russia.

“Nuclear strikes are a disgusting choice in any scenario, but if you win, it makes no sense. But as Russia loses support and the outlook grows bleak, Vladimir Putin could become more attractive to see his options diminished.”

Why the West Should Stop Worrying So Much About Nuclear Attacks

In recent weeks, President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have provided various warnings to the West that they are prepared to use nuclear weapons during this conflict if provoked.

This has sparked a discourse in the West over the past two days, including Joe Biden, concerned about escalation that could have global consequences.

But Ian Bond, a foreign policy expert at the European Center for Reform think tank, says the West needs to stop fearing.

He said this on the Doomsday Watch podcast: Using nuclear weapons, and maybe one or two to show if he really means it.”

Bond’s personal message to Russia is: “Please understand that if you go to nuclear weapons we will consider you naked.”

While acknowledging that no one “can’t absolutely rule out” that Russia would use nuclear weapons, he explained the evidence of the conflict so far that Putin would not go to Russia…

“Not only did the Russians not react in any particular way to the attack on Crimea, there were also attacks from Ukraine in the absolutely uncontroversial territory of Belgorod Oblast, and the Russians did not respond in any particular way to it.

“If the Ukrainians drive out the Russians, we have to stop fearing ourselves with the bogie that the Russians will have nuclear weapons. I won’t buy it.”




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