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North Korea defends missile launches as defense against US threats | New

North Korea defends missile launches as defense against US threats |  New


Pyongyang says recent ballistic missile launches have not endangered civil aviation or threatened neighboring countries.

North Korea has defended its recent wave of ballistic missile launches as a legitimate defense against what it called a decades-old threat from US military forces.

The missile launches also did not harm civil aviation security or pose a threat to neighboring countries, North Korea’s official KCNA news agency said on Saturday, citing officials and a statement from the authorities. aeronautics in the country.

Pyongyang’s statement follows recent criticism by the United Nations civil aviation authority of North Korea’s six missile launches in 12 days, including an intermediate-range ballistic missile that flew over Japan on Tuesday.

(The missile tests) did not pose any threat or harm to civil aviation security as well as the security of neighboring countries and regions, KCNA reported, citing an Israel administration spokesperson. aviation in the country.

The DPRK’s missile test launch is a regular and planned self-defense step to defend the country’s security and regional peace against direct US military threats that have lasted more than half a century, the official said. South Korean news agency Yonhap citing North Korea. national aviation as stated in a press release.

DPRK is the acronym for the official name of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in North Korea.

Saturday’s statement was a rebuke to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and its recent condemnation of the missile launches, which the UN body said had posed a serious security risk to the international aviation.

North Korea said it viewed the criticism as a political provocation by the United States and its vassal forces aimed at encroaching on DPRK sovereignty, KCNA reported.

Seoul, Tokyo and Washington have stepped up joint military exercises in recent weeks and carried out additional naval drills involving the US Navy’s USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier strike group.

Seoul dispatched fighter jets on Thursday in response to an apparent North Korean bombing exercise near the border between the two countries. The exercise was considered the largest formation of North Korean warplanes near the border.

Analysts say Pyongyang has seized the opportunity of a world distracted by the conflict in Ukraine to conduct ever more provocative weapons tests.

The missile launches are also part of a record year of weapons testing by North Korea and come amid leader Kim Jong Un’s declaration that his country is an irreversible nuclear power, ending the nuclear war. possibility of denuclearization talks.

Officials in Seoul and Washington have been warning for months that Pyongyang could also conduct another nuclear test, likely after the Chinese Party Congress on Oct. 16.

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, second from right, participates in a joint anti-submarine exercise with the South Korean Navy in the waters off the east coast of South Korea in September 2022 [File: South Korea Defence Ministry via AP]




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