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The NHS and Age UK are urging people 50 and older to be attacked by covid and flu.

The NHS and Age UK are urging people 50 and older to be attacked by covid and flu.


Age UK, a national charity, is encouraging seniors in London to fully cope with the flu and the COVID-19 virus this winter.

Well protected: covid and flu vaccinations are free in the NHS.

Together with NHS London, Age UK London wants everyone over the age of 50 to be able to participate in a free fall vaccination program.

People can be protected from both viruses this winter by visiting their GP or pharmacist and scheduling a jab appointment as soon as possible.

Although more than 400,000 Londoners have already used the COVID fall booster, Age UK London is concerned about many older adults at greatest risk of flu and covid, which significantly increases their risk of hospitalization. Take care or even die.

Dr Tehseen Khan, GP in London and Senior Clinical Adviser for the NHS London Covid Vaccination Programme, said: “It is likely that more people will get the flu this year as restrictions such as the use of masks in public areas are reduced and there are more social activities.

“It is therefore more important than ever for eligible Londoners to receive a free covid-19 and flu vaccination offer as soon as possible to reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill and requiring hospital treatment.

There is growing evidence that vaccine intake for both COVID-19 and flu vaccines is lower in areas with a high percentage of ethnic minority populations. As such, Age UK London will work with and inform groups and organizations that connect with seniors in the Black, Asian, Minority and Refugee (BAMER) communities.

Retired GP and Age UK London Trustee, Dr. “It’s important to take winter seriously,” said Tony Burch.

“Getting vaccinated against both viruses will help protect everyone from possible relapses of the coronavirus and flu for the first time since pre-epidemic. In particular, any organization working with older Londoners who support the BAMER community should contact Age UK London to help them spread the word.

Visit the Age UK London website to learn more about the Now More Than Ever campaign and download the toolkit.

Age UK London and NHS London are inviting members and representatives of groups supporting older black and minority communities across London to give key NHS experts the opportunity to ask questions about flu and COVID-19 vaccines.

The event provides attendees with up-to-date resources to support membership and make informed health decisions. Registration on Wednesday, October 12th starts at 10am and the event starts immediately at 10:30am, with a light sandwich lunch.

The location is The Lumen Centre, 88 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RS. Space is limited. Register by clicking this link to attend

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