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US, Japan to strengthen military ties as they eye China | Military News

US, Japan to strengthen military ties as they eye China |  Military News


Reports suggest that US operations in East Asia should be seriously improved.

Japan and the United States are in talks to strengthen military cooperation as they face a growing threat from China.

The two countries are discussing greater integration and cooperation, Japanese government spokesman Yoshimasa Hayashi said Monday. Reports suggest that US operations in the country will be seriously upgraded as Washington seeks to counter any potential threats from China.

Japan and the United States are discussing ways to strengthen command and control cooperation to improve interoperability and readiness, Hayashi told reporters.

US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will unveil a plan in April to restructure the command structure of US military commands in East Asia, the Reuters news agency reports.

The agenda for the summit has not yet been decided, Hayashi added.

From what I understand, nothing has been decided regarding the structure of the American side, including strengthening the functions of American forces in Japan, he said.

The Financial Times reported that the Pentagon is still far from making a decision, but that Japan and the United States were keen to strengthen their relationship to respond to what they see as a growing threat from China.

He called the plans the biggest upgrade toward [the US-Japan] security alliance since they signed a mutual defense treaty in 1960.

Washington will consider appointing a four-star commander to oversee its forces in Japan, as a counterpart to the head of a proposed Japan Self-Defense Forces (SDF) headquarters overseeing all military operations in the country, Reuters reported, citing anonymous sources.

Details of the security plan are expected to be announced at the White House on April 10, when Biden and Kishida meet.

A first tripartite summit between Japan, the United States and the Philippines will take place the next day. The United States is seeking to deepen ties with Manila as it sees tensions with China rise in the South China Sea.

A shared strategic challenge

Japan is a close ally and a key part of U.S. strategy toward China, North Korea, and other Asian security issues.

Like most countries, Japan does not maintain formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but Tokyo angered China earlier this year by congratulating Taiwan's president-elect, William Lai Ching-te. China claims this strategic island as its own.

Tokyo has expressed serious concern about China's growing military power and the threat it poses to Taiwan, located just 100 km (62 miles) from Japanese territory.

Last year, Tokyo announced plans to strengthen its military, the largest since World War II, by pledging to double its defense spending to 2% of GDP.

It also promised to deliver missiles capable of hitting ships or land targets 1,000 km (621 miles) away, stockpile spare parts and other munitions, increase transport capacity and develop capabilities of cyberwar.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last year after a meeting of Japanese and US defense and foreign ministers in Washington: [China] constitutes the greatest common strategic challenge we and our allies and partners face.

There are 54,000 U.S. military personnel based in Japan, the highest number stationed overseas.

Japan's Yomiuri newspaper, discussing the possible improvement in the alliance, said Japan currently had to deal with the US Indo-Pacific Command based in Hawaii for various decisions.




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