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The US and Israel have been at odds over Gaza in the pastExBulletin

The US and Israel have been at odds over Gaza in the pastExBulletin


Israeli troops round up Egyptian soldiers captured during the 1956 fighting in the Rafah region of the Gaza Strip, then controlled by Egypt. Israel, Britain and France invaded Egyptian territory after Egypt decided to nationalize the Suez Canal. But US President Dwight Eisenhower intervened, leading to the withdrawal of foreign troops, including Israeli forces from Gaza. AP .

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Israeli troops round up Egyptian soldiers captured during the 1956 fighting in the Rafah region of the Gaza Strip, then controlled by Egypt. Israel, Britain and France invaded Egyptian territory after Egypt decided to nationalize the Suez Canal. But US President Dwight Eisenhower intervened, leading to the withdrawal of foreign troops, including Israeli forces from Gaza.


US-Israeli relations are now strained over Gaza and this is not the first time that Israeli military operations in this region have drawn criticism from the White House.

The year is 1956. Israel, Great Britain and France have just invaded Egyptian territory to try to seize the Suez Canal, which Egypt has decided to nationalize.

US President Dwight Eisenhower intervened, ending the brief conflict. But in the months that followed, Israel resisted a United Nations resolution that called on it to withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip, then controlled by Egypt.

“Repeated, but so far unsuccessful, efforts have been made to bring about a voluntary withdrawal by Israel,” Eisenhower said in a nationally televised address. “We were very disappointed that the Israeli government, despite the action of the United Nations, still did not feel willing to withdraw.

Israel got the message and withdrew from Gaza shortly after.

So here we are again, 68 years later, with a few new twists and turns.

President Biden supports Israel in its war against Hamas. But he warns the Israelis against a military offensive in the town of Rafah, south of Gaza, at a time when more than a million Palestinian civilians are taking refuge there.

Senior US and Israeli officials held a virtual meeting on Monday, but failed to produce a breakthrough.

“They agreed that they shared the goal of seeing Hamas defeated in Rafah. The American side expressed concerns regarding various courses of action in Rafah. The Israeli side agreed to take these concerns into account and have follow-up discussions,” the United States and Israel said in a joint statement.

So how strained are relationships right now?

“I see a very, very real risk to the State of Israel and its long-term interests,” said Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of J Street, a Washington group that describes itself as pro-Israel, favoring peace and peace. pro-democracy.

He places much of the blame on Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right coalition government.

“They are leading the country towards the loss of international legitimacy and American support,” Ben-Ami said.

Gazans inspect the vehicle in which World Central Kitchen employees were killed Monday near the town of Deir al-Balah. World Central Kitchen, a humanitarian group, says an Israeli airstrike has killed at least seven people, including several foreigners. Abdel Kareem Hana/AP .

switch captionAbdel Kareem Hana/AP

Gazans inspect the vehicle in which World Central Kitchen employees were killed Monday near the town of Deir al-Balah. World Central Kitchen, a humanitarian group, says an Israeli airstrike has killed at least seven people, including several foreigners.

Abdel Karim Hana/AP

During his many years in power, Netanyahu aligned himself with Republicans in the United States. He also fought very public battles with the last three Democratic presidents: Bill Clinton, over peace negotiations with the Palestinians; Barack Obama, on a nuclear deal with Iran; and now Biden, about the war in Gaza.

One of Israel's strongest supporters, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, recently took the provocative step of calling for Netanyahu's replacement.

“I think Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by letting his political survival take precedence over Israel’s best interests,” Schumer said.

U.S.-Israeli relations have rebounded from past disagreements. Robert Satloff, who directs the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, believes this will happen again.

“I hope that apart from the current difficulties, over time there will be a renewed commitment to strengthen this relationship again,” he said.

However, some things have changed.

Older Americans often saw a struggling Israel fighting for its survival.

A younger generation sees Israel's aggressive military campaign in Gaza, with thousands of Palestinian civilian deaths, and the continued occupation of Palestinian territories.

“My parents and their grandparents lived through the Holocaust. My father's family fought for Israeli independence,” Ben-Ami said. “It's a completely different life experience than a young person born in the 21st century. It's not at all surprising that there is a completely different conversation on college campuses compared to what happens in centers for the elderly.”

In every generation, the United States and Israel have had pointed conversations.

When President George HW Bush wanted to launch Middle East peace talks in 1990, he felt that Israel was dragging its feet.

His Secretary of State, James Baker, therefore delivered a direct message during his testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives: “It will take a very good faith and positive effort on the part of our good friends in Israel. Everyone there should know that the phone number is 1-202-456-1414. When you really want peace, call us.

This was and still is the White House telephone number.


The current moment includes this paradox. Biden is proposing $14 billion in military aid to Israel, which is already the largest U.S. recipient of that aid. Yet the president criticizes Israeli military operations and tells the country what not to do in Gaza.

In the past, Israeli leaders often accepted military advice from U.S. presidents, Robert Satloff said.

“The historical precedent is that the president certainly has the ability to impose his will if he wants to go that far,” Satloff said.

We don't know exactly what will happen this time. Netanyahu says he will resist pressure from everywhere, including the White House.

“I think we're seeing this complicated relationship evolve in real time before our eyes,” Satloff said.

Greg Myre was an NPR national security correspondent based in Jerusalem from 2000 to 20007. Follow him @gregmyre1.




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