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Humanists UK responds to Michaela school prayer ban ruling – Humanists UK

Humanists UK responds to Michaela school prayer ban ruling – Humanists UK


Photo: Michaela Community School Buildings, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Humanists UK has called on the Government to develop national guidance for England on the issue of religious practice in schools following today's High Court ruling in favor of the so-called prayer ban at Michaela Community School in Brent.

Michaela Community School was taken to the High Court by a Muslim student in January over allegations that all prayers and worship were banned from the school. The student argued that the ban violated his freedom to express his religious beliefs, but this was rejected on the grounds that the student:

I chose the school knowing its strict system. Evidence suggests she was able to transfer to an appropriate school where she could pray during lunch. And somehow she was able to say the Kadah prayer to alleviate the fact that she could not pray in her allotted time.

The judge further ruled:

The disadvantages experienced by Muslim students in schools due to the Prayer Ritual Policy (PRP) outweighed the goal of promoting the interests of the school community as a whole, including Muslim students.

There is no existing law explicitly regulating religious activities in British schools, other than that Christian services must take place daily in public schools (unique in the world). This latter requirement has been condemned by the United Nations as violating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The National Governance Association, like most teachers' unions, has called for the requirement to be repealed starting in 2018. During a Senate debate last January, colleagues called for the abolition of mass worship in schools.

British humanists have long campaigned against the legal requirements, arguing that the law is inconsistent with modern society and that group worship should be replaced by inclusive assemblies. In 2019, we supported Lee and Lizanne Harris in successfully challenging mandatory group worship at their children's schools on human rights grounds.

Andrew Copson, chief executive of Humanists UK, said of the High Court's decision:

In the absence of national guidance on religious practice in schools and in the absence of serious national discussion of existing laws, cases like this will continue to arise. Schools should not be left alone to solve this problem. Today’s High Court ruling demands serious thinking from the government about how to protect children’s freedom of religion or belief while ensuring our education system is fair and inclusive for all.

Our first step is to address the broader issue of mandatory group worship in schools and replace it with an inclusive form of assembly where all students can feel welcome, while at the same time allowing them to pray and worship in private. We believe in providing reasonable accommodations for those who wish to do so. Violates the rights and freedoms of others. Without that holistic attention, resentment will continue to build within our school systems.


For further comments or information, the press should contact Kathy Riddick, Humanists UK head of public affairs and policy, on [email protected] or call 07534 248 596.

Learn more about our work in collective worship and religious and worldview education.

Read Andrew Copsons' thoughts on the need for collective worship reform.

Humanists UK is a national charity acting on behalf of non-religious people. With over 120,000 members and supporters, we promote free thinking and encourage humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness reign. We provide events, pastoral care, education and support services that benefit over a million people every year and our campaigns advance humanistic thinking on ethical issues, human rights and equal treatment for all.




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