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6 Best Tie Bars to Flaunt Your Understated Style in 2024

6 Best Tie Bars to Flaunt Your Understated Style in 2024


You don't need to have watched all seven seasons of Mad Men to know what a tie bar can do for a man's tailoring. You also don't need me to tell you how they keep your tie perfectly in place.

What you're probably looking for are the best tie bars money can buy, and maybe some tips on how to wear them. So this is it.

Whether you opt for a minimalist design or something slightly flashier, the formal accessory should be positioned between the third and fourth button of your dress shirt. Most importantly, it should never be wider than your tie.

Understood? Now, read on as I round up the best tie bars in the business.

Key takeaways

From wearing a tie to tucking a handkerchief into your breast pocket, there are many ways to polish off your outfit. For this article, I will focus on one that is often overlooked but arguably as powerful as the others.

Worn by style icons such as Frank Sinatra, David Beckham and Nick Wooster, the tie bar is a subtle but very stylish accessory that keeps your tie straight and tells the world that you are a man of class.

I Found the Best Tie Bars, Including Honey Bears stainless steel design and one luxury option from Cufflinks Inc, by contacting industry experts and reviewing hundreds of ratings, reviews and forums.

man wearing knitted brown jacket
the dressed chest /Instagram

Best Tie Bars: Honey Bear Tie Bar

Why it's awesome: There's a lot to like about this Honey Bear tie bar: it's affordable, stylish, and measures just 2.1 inches wide, so you can wear it with just about any standard-sized tie. It comes in a variety of colors, but my favorite is the silver design. Not only is it the most timeless, but it's also the easiest to style.

Who is it for ? This gets top marks for quality, appearance and value for money, so it's a great all-rounder that will appeal to anyone looking for the best tie bars for men. You can wear it with a wide range of suits, shirts and other formal accessories.

Faults but not prohibitive elements: If you go with the brushed silver version (my recommendation), it's not as shiny as it looks in the photos.

Material: Stainless steel | Colors: 8 | Length: 2.1

Colorful Bling Tie Bar

Why it's awesome: You'll be hard-pressed to find a cheaper link bar that looks as good as this one. Secured with a spring clasp that won't crease your tie, it's a simple yet stylish suit accessory that looks the part without breaking the bank.

It's quite simply one of the best hitch bars on the market. You can choose from two sizes, both of which will fit your choice of necklaces perfectly.

Who is it for ? If you're trying a tie bar for the first time or just don't want to spend a fortune, then this is a great budget-friendly option that ticks a lot of boxes.

Faults but not prohibitive elements: I would say the black version is more of a shiny pewter color than the black.

Material: Metal | Colors: 5 | Length: 2.28 or 1.69

Hawson Tie Bar

Why it's awesome: The Hawsons tie bar has been reviewed over 1,000 times and almost 90% of customers have rated it four stars or higher. Guys seem to love its brushed silver look, overall quality, and affordable price (as do I).

Who is it for ? Suitable for business travel, weddings and everything in between, this is a stylish and affordable option, especially if you're not a big tie bar wearer.

Faults but not prohibitive elements: Watch your fingers and hold on to your hat; According to customer reviews, the edges of this tie bar can sometimes seem a little sharp.

Material: Brass | Colors: 2 | Length: 2

Depot Astronaut Tie Bar

Why it's awesome: Perfect for adding a little fun to your evening outfits, this novelty tie clip is playful without looking cheesy. Hand crafted and polished, it will come in a lovely presentation box which will keep it safe and make a great gift idea.

Who is it for ? This will be more appealing to men who want to inject a little personality into their business attire and everyday suits. It's also a great conversation starter at weddings and business conferences.

Faults but not prohibitive elements: It may be one of the best tie clips for men, but the galactic vibe won't be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine.

Material: Brass | Colors: 1 | Length: 2.17

Ameter Letters Tie Bar

Why it's awesome: For a personal touch and to keep your tie in place, this customizable tie bar is a winner. You can choose from any letter of the alphabet and there is no additional cost. At just under 2 inches, it's also one of the shortest versions on this list of the best tie down bars.

Who is it for ? This is one of the best tie down bars you can get your hands on. Whether you buy it for yourself or as a gift, it will add a unique finishing touch to your formal ensemble. It will work with ties of all sizes and complement a variety of colors and patterns.

Faults but not prohibitive elements: Personally, I think it would have been better to add two initials instead of just one.

Material: Copper | Colors: 1 | Length: 1.9

Cufflinks Inc Sterling Silver Tie Clip

Why it's awesome: A stylish addition to your tailored looks, this bar has been crafted from sterling silver which gives it strength and a beautiful shine. It's large enough to add your own engraving but won't weigh down your tie.

Who is it for ? As good with patterned ties as with plain styles, this will make a great wedding or anniversary gift if you're not looking for the best tie bars for yourself.

Faults but not prohibitive elements: The sterling silver construction makes it more expensive. However, it's worth the extra investment if you ask me.

Material: Sterling silver | Colors: 1 | Length: 2

man wearing vintage suit
tradgntlmn /Instagram

Purchasing Considerations for the Best Tie Bars


Unless you want to look like an amateur, it is very important that you get the right size of your tie bar. It should never be as wide or wider than your tie. Ideally, you should aim for it to be about two-thirds the width of your tie.


The best tie bars for men come in a variety of styles and materials, including stainless steel, sterling silver, or brass. Each offers different levels of durability and tarnish resistance, which will also have an effect on price.


Choose a style that best reflects your personal style and complements the rest of your outfit. You may want to keep it super simple, try something a little more sumptuous, or perhaps opt for a style that features a decorative pattern.

man wearing light blue shirt and green pants
I was tired /Instagram

How we chose

To find the best tie bars, I started by putting together a list of 20 candidates, based on research in online forums, style guides, and customer reviews, as well as discussions with several trusted voices and about my own experience working in the formal wear industry.

Once I better understood what makes a tie bar great, including size, material, and design, I narrowed my options down to six standout items and judged them based on the criteria below.

Price: Is the price of the tie rod reasonable? I weighed each tie bar's affordability against its quality and craftsmanship while making sure to choose options for every budget.

Impact: Do you notice it? In evaluating the visual appeal and versatility of each tie bar, I looked at how well it complemented different tie styles and outfits while making a statement without dominating the overall look.

Customer reviews: By analyzing customer feedback, I gained a better understanding of factors such as durability, functionality and overall satisfaction.

Why trust us ?

Billy Webb is a British menswear specialist with over 15 years of writing experience. A regular FashionBeans contributor and trusted voice in the industry, he's covered everything from tough denim shirts to scarves every man should own.

Since graduating in journalism, he has worked with some of the world's biggest brands, as well as various tailors and Savile Row experts, who have helped him hone his sartorial skills and make him the ideal person to find the best tie bars on the market.

Trust us, Billy is the man for the job.

Final verdict

Wearing a tie bar is one of the simplest yet most effective styling moves in the book, provided you choose the right one. Affordable, chic and just the right size, Honey bear version is my go-to whenever I want to perfect my menswear mastery.


    • The best tie clips for men are usually made from sterling silver or stainless steel. Both offer durability, resistance to tarnishing or rusting, and a sleek aesthetic that complements different tie styles and colors.

      • There is no definitive answer. In more formal settings, a tie bar can add a refined touch to your ensemble. However, for more casual affairs this may not be necessary. Ultimately, it's a matter of personal preference and the specific context of the situation.

        • This will depend on the width of your tie. A tie bar should be approximately two-thirds to three-quarters the width of your tie. So if your tie measures 3.2 inches, your tie bar should be no wider than 2.4 inches.




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