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Protests in the United States have long been celebrated, condemned, welcomed and muzzled | Demonstrations

Protests in the United States have long been celebrated, condemned, welcomed and muzzled |  Demonstrations


The protests, rallies, sit-ins, marches, and disruptions date from the early days of what would become the United States.

They have continued to echo the sights and sounds across the landscapes of America's colleges and universities today. Protest camps have sprung up and been forced to disappear because of Israel's war on Gaza, which has been going on since early October.

Pro-Palestinian protesters at U.S. schools have called on their administrations to sever economic and other ties with Israel or with businesses they say support the war. The protest camps began April 17 at Columbia University and spread nationally.

Just as protest is a part of American history, protest is met with irritation, condemnation, anger, and even the use of law enforcement and aggressive tactics.

Dissent is essential to democracy. But dissent must never lead to disorder, President Joe Biden said Thursday, summing up the enduring national paradox.

Administrators, under pressure to restore order as the start of the academic year approaches, say they support the right to speak but do not disrupt the lives of other students or violate rules of conduct. Police were called to clear campus encampments across the country, and more than 2,300 people were arrested.

The right to assemble, express oneself, and seek redress of grievances is enshrined in the first of the U.S. Constitutional Amendments and past social actions that enabled progress toward equality by previous generations, often at great risk to their lives. , are rented.

But these same actions can provoke anger and outright opposition when they cause interruptions, and those who speak out can be seen as outsiders seeking to sow chaos and influence impressionable minds.

That's not to say the protests haven't had an effect over time, says Robert Shapiro, a professor of political science at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and an expert on public opinion. on American politics.

The 2011 Occupy Wall Street protest, for example, brought attention to economic inequality in the United States, Shapiro says. [E]Economic inequality in the United States has become and remains more visible.

Public opinion is changing on these issues because of the effectiveness of protests in accomplishing one very important thing: increasing the visibility and importance of the issues.




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