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UK weather: The Met Office issues warnings for thunderstorms, heavy rain and flooding on bank holiday Monday.

UK weather: The Met Office issues warnings for thunderstorms, heavy rain and flooding on bank holiday Monday.


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The Bureau of Meteorology has issued warnings of thunderstorms, heavy rain and flooding as the May Bank Holidays end in devastation.

A lightning storm is expected to round out the weekend's mixed weather, with the north expected to see a long spell of bright, sunny weather and highs of 21C.

Forecasters have warned that spray and flash flooding could create difficult driving conditions on Monday, when millions of motorists are expected to take to the roads.

The south will start off sunny, with heavy rain and thunderstorms expected to move in throughout the afternoon.

Forecasters have issued two yellow warnings for thunderstorms for parts of south-east, north-west England and southern Scotland.

Thunderstorms and heavy rain are likely to reach central Wales between 1pm and 9pm across Manchester and Glasgow.

Not all places will see these storms and heavy rain, but where they do, 20 to 40 mm of rain could fall within an hour, forecasters warned.

In London, heavy rain will begin at 8 a.m. and last until midnight. The Meteorological Administration predicts that it will rain for about 14 hours.

They added that Northern Ireland and western Scotland will be drier.

Another yellow thunderstorm warning has been issued for the south-east across Kent, Sussex Surrey and south London.

In these areas, it is less likely that flooding, lightning, hail, or high winds could damage some buildings and quickly submerge homes and businesses. There is also the potential for fast-flowing water or deep flooding to put life at risk.

People taking shelter from the rain under umbrellas as they pass by Buckingham Palace (PA Wire) Homeless people sleeping in the rain between phone booths in central London (Getty Images)

Met Office meteorologist Greg Dewhurst said: “Overall, there will be a mix of sunny spells and showers across the country.”

It can rain anywhere so people need to be prepared. There will be sunshine and warm weather for those who want to travel. And if you can avoid the showers, it will be nice in the sun.

It comes as more than 2.5 million drivers face highway traffic congestion as the bank holiday approaches.

The RAC warned motorists to avoid traveling on motorways such as the M5 between 10am and 3pm as they are the busiest.

There are 45 flood alerts in place (EA).

Severe flood warnings are in place across Scrasebridge and West Common Streams, which the Environment Agency described as high and high levels.

Forty-five flood warnings remain in place across the south for areas where flooding may occur.

Tuesday will start off cloudy, but mostly clear during the day, with a few showers in the south in the afternoon.

Until Wednesday, the Met Office predicts the weather will be mostly clear and dry with clouds and some buggy sunshine. Rain clouds are expected to move into Northern Ireland and northern Scotland.

On Wednesday, the Met Office recorded 4,840 lightning strikes across France and southern England overnight.

Heavy rain and thunderstorms lashed across southern England and Wales.

Two buildings in Sussex have been damaged by lightning strikes, according to West Sussex Fire & Rescue.

A care home in Elmer had its roof damaged and a university building in Chichester had its roof and power systems damaged.

Met Office advice for surviving thunderstorms If you are outside, avoid water and find a low-lying, open area a safe distance from trees, poles or metal objects. Avoid activities such as golfing, pole fishing or boating on lakes. Be careful of metal objects that may tip or attract. Lightning including golf clubs, golf buggies, fishing rods, umbrellas, motorcycles, bicycles, wheelchairs, mobility scooters, strollers, barbed wire and rails. If you are inside a tent, stay away from metal poles. If you are in an exposed area, consider squatting close to the floor with your hands on your knees and your head tucked between them. Avoid touching the ground as much as possible, and do not lie down on the floor. If you feel your hair standing on end, immediately drop it to the up position.




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