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Nearly 10 million people in central US at risk from severe weather, agency warns | Weather in the United States

Nearly 10 million people in central US at risk from severe weather, agency warns |  Weather in the United States


Millions of people in the central United States could face powerful storms Monday, including long-range tornadoes, hurricane-force winds and baseball-sized hail, forecasters said.

Much of Oklahoma and parts of Kansas are most at risk for severe weather, including areas of Oklahoma such as Sulfur and Holdenville that are still recovering from a tornado that killed four people and left thousands without power last week.

In total, nearly 10 million people live in areas threatened by severe weather, the National Weather Service's Storm Prediction Center said. Forecasters issued a rare, high risk for central Oklahoma and southern Kansas.

The last time a high risk was issued was March 31, 2023, when a massive storm system ravaged parts of the South and Midwest, including Arkansas, Illinois and rural Indiana .

Bill Bunting, the center's deputy director, said an elevated risk from the Storm Prediction Center isn't something you see every day or every spring. This is the highest threat level we can assign. And it's a day to take very, very seriously, he said.

Other cities that could experience stormy weather include Kansas City, Missouri, and Lincoln, Nebraska.

Bunting said the number of storms and their intensity are expected to increase rapidly in the evening across western Oklahoma and into south-central Kansas.

Bunting advises residents in affected areas to make a severe weather plan early in the day.

Make sure you have ways to communicate with your family members, he said. Make sure everyone knows where their shelters are and how they can continue to receive warnings.

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The whole week promises to be stormy in the United States. Indianapolis, Memphis, Nashville, St. Louis and Cincinnati could see severe thunderstorms later in the week, where more than 21 million people live.

Meanwhile, heavy rains hit southwest Texas, particularly the Houston area, early Monday, leaving neighborhoods flooded and leading to hundreds of flood rescues.

Drone footage shows extent of flooding in Texas




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