Ukraine says US experts helping to understand why Ukrainian F-16 crashed
kyiv, Ukraine — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday fired the commander in chief of the country's air force, four days after an F-16 fighter jet that Ukraine had received from its Western partners crashed during a Russian bombing raid, killing the pilot.
The order to dismiss Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk was published on the presidential website.
“We must protect people, protect personnel, take care of all our soldiers,” Zelensky said in a speech minutes after the order was issued. He added that Ukraine needed to strengthen its military at the command level.
Lieutenant General Anatolii Kryvonozhko has been appointed acting commander of the Air Force, the Army General Staff said.
The dismissal comes on the same day that Oleshchuk sharply criticized a lawmaker, deputy chair of the Ukrainian parliament's defense committee, for her statements that the F-16 was shot down by a Patriot air defense system. Ukraine has received an unspecified number of the American-made systems.
Mariana Bezuhla cited anonymous sources to support her claims and demanded that those responsible for the error be punished.
Oleshchuk accused Bezuhla of defaming the Air Force and discrediting U.S. weapons manufacturers and said he hoped she would face legal consequences for her allegations.
The truth will prevail, Bezuhla wrote on X shortly after the dismissal order was published.
The Air Force has not directly denied that the F-16 was hit by a Patriot missile.
American experts have joined the Ukrainian investigation into the crash, the Air Force said.
Meanwhile, a Russian attack on the northeastern city of Kharkiv using powerful gliding bombs dropped from aircraft killed six people, including a 14-year-old girl on a playground, and wounded 47 others, regional governor Oleh Syniehubov said.
The bombs hit five locations in the city, which had a pre-war population of 1.4 million people, the governor said.
One of the bombs hit a 12-story building, setting the building ablaze and trapping at least one person on an upper floor. Rescue teams searching for survivors feared the structure would collapse.
Ukrainian rockets also hit the Russian city of Belgorod and its environs on Friday evening, killing five people and wounding 37 others, regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said. The region, which borders northern Ukraine, is the target of almost daily drone and artillery attacks.
Zelensky stressed that the Kharkiv strikes were further evidence that Western partners should remove restrictions on what the Ukrainian military can target with the donated weapons.
“The attack on Kharkiv would not have happened if our defense forces had the ability to destroy Russian military aviation at its bases. We need strong decisions from our partners to put an end to this terrorism,” Zelensky said.
F-16s are one of the weapons that could be used to strike Russian bases behind the front line.
Oleshchuk said on Telegram that a detailed analysis was already underway to determine why the F-16 jet crashed on Monday, when Russia launched a major barrage of missiles and drones on Ukraine.
“We need to carefully understand what happened, what the circumstances are and who is responsible,” Oleshchuk wrote in a message published shortly before his dismissal.
This is the first reported loss of an F-16 in Ukraine, where the fighter jets arrived late last month. At least six of them are believed to have been delivered by European countries.
Military analysts say the planes will not be a game changer in the war, given Russia's massive air force and sophisticated air defense systems. But Ukrainian officials have welcomed the arrival of the supersonic jets, which can carry modern weapons used by NATO countries, as an opportunity to counter Russia's air superiority.
On the ground, the Russian military is making slow but steady progress in its advance into eastern Ukraine, while Ukrainian forces are holding firm in the Kursk border region in western Russia after a recent incursion.
The Institute for the Study of War said it expected Ukraine to lose some Western-supplied military equipment in the fighting.
But the Washington-based think tank added that any loss among Ukraine's already limited contingent of F-16s and trained pilots would have an outsized impact on the country's ability to operate F-16s “as part of its combined air defense umbrella or in an air-to-ground support role.”
In addition, European Union defence ministers agreed in Brussels to strengthen their programme of training Ukrainian troops.
Ministers agreed today to raise the target to 75,000, adding another 15,000 by the end of the year, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told reporters after the meeting.
The training should be shortened and tailored to Ukrainian needs, Borrell said. He added that the EU would set up a small coordination and liaison cell in the Ukrainian capital, kyiv, to make the training effort more effective.
So far, 60,000 soldiers have completed the bloc training program, which is taking place outside Ukraine.
Associated Press writer Lorne Cook in Brussels contributed to this report.
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